Re: [tor-bugs] #34143 [Internal Services/Service - rt]: [RT-admins] Create new users accounts

2020-05-07 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34143: [RT-admins] Create new users accounts
 Reporter:  ggus|  Owner:  ggus
 Type:  task| Status:  closed
 Priority:  Medium  |  Milestone:
Component:  Internal Services/Service - rt  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal  | Resolution:  fixed
 Keywords:  |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  | Points:
 Reviewer:  |Sponsor:
Changes (by ggus):

 * status:  new => closed
 * resolution:   => fixed



Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

[tor-bugs] #34143 [Internal Services/Service - rt]: [RT-admins] Create new users accounts

2020-05-07 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#34143: [RT-admins] Create new users accounts
 Reporter:  ggus|  Owner:  ggus
 Type:  task| Status:  new
 Priority:  Medium  |  Milestone:
Component:  Internal Services/Service - rt  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal  |   Keywords:
Actual Points:  |  Parent ID:
   Points:  |   Reviewer:
  Sponsor:  |
 Isa asked to add these members to RT / queues:

 Al - press - newsletter - donations
 Bekeela - donations
 Sue - donations
 Erin - donations

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list