Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-05-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:  closed
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  implemented
  censorship-roadmap-2020|  Actual Points:  1
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:  cohosh   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must
Changes (by phw):

 * status:  merge_ready => closed
 * resolution:   => implemented
 * actualpoints:   => 1


 Merged in

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Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-05-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  merge_ready
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:  cohosh   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must
Changes (by cohosh):

 * status:  needs_review => merge_ready


 Replying to [comment:36 phw]:
 > Replying to [comment:35 cohosh]:
 > > - It's not super urgent in this case, but putting the email password
 in an environment variable would allow us to not have it in the bash
 > [[br]]
 > That's a good point.
 This commit] adds support for passing the key as environment variable.
 Looks good!
 > [[br]]
 > > - 60 seconds seems a bit fast for email. How about making this 5-10
 minutes? I'm thinking in terms of reducing false positives plus being
 realistic about our response time to the alert.
 > [[br]]
 > I used to have it set to 5 minutes but that turned out to be excessive.
 BridgeDB reliably responds within a few seconds, so I think it's safe to
 assume that if the response didn't come within 60 seconds, it won't come
 at all.
 Ah okay, cool :) This sounds good then.
 > [[br]]
 > > - Is there a reason we're logging in twice (once at
 #diff-d0583351ac71e6c7bfc1e74d665de991R56 L56] and once at
 #diff-d0583351ac71e6c7bfc1e74d665de991R128 L128])?
 > [[br]]
 > One login is for our SMTP connection (to send the email) and the other
 is for our IMAP connection (to check for the response). Is there a way to
 simplify this?
 Oops thanks for clearing that up. I hadn't noticed the two different
 connection types.

 Looks good to merge!

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-05-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  needs_review
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:  cohosh   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must
Changes (by phw):

 * status:  needs_information => needs_review


 Replying to [comment:35 cohosh]:
 > - It's not super urgent in this case, but putting the email password in
 an environment variable would allow us to not have it in the bash history
 That's a good point.
 This commit] adds support for passing the key as environment variable.
 > - 60 seconds seems a bit fast for email. How about making this 5-10
 minutes? I'm thinking in terms of reducing false positives plus being
 realistic about our response time to the alert.
 I used to have it set to 5 minutes but that turned out to be excessive.
 BridgeDB reliably responds within a few seconds, so I think it's safe to
 assume that if the response didn't come within 60 seconds, it won't come
 at all.
 > - Is there a reason we're logging in twice (once at
 #diff-d0583351ac71e6c7bfc1e74d665de991R56 L56] and once at
 #diff-d0583351ac71e6c7bfc1e74d665de991R128 L128])?
 One login is for our SMTP connection (to send the email) and the other is
 for our IMAP connection (to check for the response). Is there a way to
 simplify this?

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-05-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  needs_information
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:  cohosh   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must
Changes (by cohosh):

 * status:  needs_review => needs_information


 The script looks good to me. Some thoughts:
 - It's not super urgent in this case, but putting the email password in an
 environment variable would allow us to not have it in the bash history
 - 60 seconds seems a bit fast for email. How about making this 5-10
 minutes? I'm thinking in terms of reducing false positives plus being
 realistic about our response time to the alert.
 - Is there a reason we're logging in twice (once at
 #diff-d0583351ac71e6c7bfc1e74d665de991R56 L56] and once at
 #diff-d0583351ac71e6c7bfc1e74d665de991R128 L128])?

 Other than that, it looks good but I'll put it in needs_information

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-05-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  needs_review
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:  cohosh   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must
Changes (by cohosh):

 * reviewer:   => cohosh

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-05-08 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  needs_review
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must

Comment (by hiro):

 Everything looks good to me. +1 on the PR on github. And Nagios is showing
 the check ok.
 I am going to add the notification email now.

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-05-07 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  assigned
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must

Comment (by phw):

 Replying to [comment:29 hiro]:
 > I phw this is now online:
 > Can you check that the status file is giving the correct status?
 > As reference Gettor is publishing this in the status file:
 > {{{
 > OK
 > 0: GetTor is good and sending emails with working links
 > }}}
 Thanks, hiro! Yes, the status file should look good. Right now, it says:
 0: BridgeDB's email responder works
 Is there a problem with the file format?

 Also, are email alerts now going to anti-censorship-

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-05-07 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  needs_review
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must
Changes (by phw):

 * status:  assigned => needs_review


 In the meanwhile, let's get a review for the code:

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-05-07 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  assigned
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must

Comment (by hiro):

 I phw this is now online:

 Can you check that the status file is giving the correct status?

 As reference Gettor is publishing this in the status file:
 0: GetTor is good and sending emails with working links

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-04-30 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  assigned
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must

Comment (by phw):

 Replying to [comment:27 hiro]:
 > I understand now what is happening with this host. Sorry about the
 confusion. I will enable the check.
 Thanks! As mentioned in
 [ this
 comment], we now have a mailing list to send service alerts to. Can you
 please configure nagios to send alerts to anti-censorship-alerts at lists
 dot tpo?

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-04-29 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  assigned
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must

Comment (by hiro):

 I understand now what is happening with this host. Sorry about the
 confusion. I will enable the check.

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-04-27 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  assigned
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must

Comment (by phw):

 Replying to [comment:25 hiro]:
 > So when I made the check for bridgedb I was under the impression that it
 was managed via our infra to at least some extent. We don't have nagios in
 bridgedb as the machine is managed by you guys. So I guess we can either
 add nagios to bridgedb or add an email check to prometheus.
 > What would you prefer in this case?
 I'm not sure what "managed by you guys" means. Cecylia and I administer
 the BridgeDB service but not the machine as a whole. We don't have root on
 polyanthum. Isn't this the same situation as with gettor-01? If so, I
 suggest installing nagios on polyanthum.

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-04-27 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  assigned
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must

Comment (by hiro):

 Hi phw,
 So when I made the check for bridgedb I was under the impression that it
 was managed via our infra to at least some extent. We don't have nagios in
 bridgedb as the machine is managed by you guys. So I guess we can either
 add nagios to bridgedb or add an email check to prometheus.
 What would you prefer in this case?
 Apologies for this.

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-04-09 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  assigned
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must
Changes (by phw):

 * cc: hiro (added)


 Is the Nagios check deployed already? Does the email alert work too? Also,
 what's the URL for the new Nagios page? I only have a URL for gettor-01.

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-04-02 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  phw
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  assigned
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must
Changes (by phw):

 * owner:  (none) => phw
 * status:  needs_information => assigned

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-03-25 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  (none)
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  needs_information
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must

Comment (by phw):

 For the record, I wrote a [
 patch for bridgedb-admin], which whitelists our test address, and I have a
 bridgedb branch] that implements our test script.

 I configured a cronjob that runs this script every three hours.

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-03-24 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  (none)
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  needs_information
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must

Comment (by phw):

 Replying to [comment:20 hiro]:
 > you will be able to see the web ui and also we can setup an email alert.
 > Are you writing the status file already on bridgedb? So I can finish set
 everything up on nagios side.
 Yes, `/srv/` already exists.

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-03-24 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  (none)
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  needs_information
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must

Comment (by hiro):

 Hi phw,
 you will be able to see the web ui and also we can setup an email alert.

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-03-23 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  (none)
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  needs_information
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must
Changes (by phw):

 * status:  new => needs_information


 I refactored hiro's "check for emails" script
 in this commit]. The script writes its output to
 `/srv/`. I can set up a cron job that
 runs this script every, say, six hours. We will probably encounter some
 more hiccups once the script is running in production. Hiro, can you
 remind me what will happen if nagios considers BridgeDB's email responder
 down? Will I be able to see this in the nagios web UI? I'm asking because
 there will probably be a few more hiccups with the "check email" script
 once it's running continuously.

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2020-02-11 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  (none)
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  assigned
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-2020Q1  |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must
Changes (by gaba):

 * keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-censorship-roadmap-october =>
 bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-censorship-roadmap-2020Q1

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2019-07-18 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis |  Owner:  (none)
 Type:  enhancement  | Status:
 |  assigned
 Priority:  High |  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB   |Version:
 Severity:  Normal   | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, anti-|  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-october |
Parent ID:  #30152   | Points:  5
 Reviewer:   |Sponsor:
 |  Sponsor30-must
Changes (by gaba):

 * keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios, ex-sponsor-19 => bridgedb-email,
 nagios, anti-censorship-roadmap-october

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list

Re: [tor-bugs] #12802 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor

2019-05-13 Thread Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
#12802: BridgeDB needs Nagios checks for the Email Distributor
 Reporter:  isis|  Owner:  dgoulet
 Type:  enhancement | Status:  assigned
 Priority:  High|  Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/BridgeDB  |Version:
 Severity:  Normal  | Resolution:
 Keywords:  bridgedb-email, nagios  |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #30152  | Points:  5
 Reviewer:  |Sponsor:  Sponsor19

Comment (by phw):

 For what it's worth, we're now monitoring BridgeDB's SMTP port with
 sysmon. We will get notified if the SMTP server disappears but we are
 unable to detect more subtle, application-layer breakage.

Ticket URL: 
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki 
The Tor Project: anonymity online
tor-bugs mailing list