On 07 May (14:11:14), nusenu wrote:
> Hi,
> what is the best way to find out when descriptor fetching is completed 

I wasn't entirely sure of this so I looked at the code and turns out that when
you get new microdescriptors, we only emit a BOOTSTRAP event but if the
bootstrap is already 100%, nothing is emitted.

I had hopes in "NEWDESC" until I read this sentence from the spec:

  This event is generated when new router descriptors (not microdescs or
  extrainfos or anything else) are received.

So I think the short answer is, tor doesn't inform you of this.

But, you could do the experiment of listening to _all_ events on the control
port and see if there could be something I missed or some combination of
events that could indicate to you this... hacky I know but one possible

> after temporarily disabling microdescriptors on a running tor client daemon?
> The temporary disabling of microdescriptors is done using this line in a
> python script using stem:
> controller.set_conf('UseMicrodescriptors', '0')
> Is there a better way than to try and re-try after 10 seconds in a loop via
> controller.get_server_descriptors() ?

I'm not sure there is with tor itself :S.

> I also noticed that fetching takes significantly longer when microdescriptors 
> are disabled temporarily when compared to 
> adding 
> UseMicrodescriptors 0 
> to the torrc file persistently and restarting the tor client.

Maybe simply because server descriptors are much larger than microdesc?

> Can I tell tor to "fetch now" directly after
> controller.set_conf('UseMicrodescriptors', '0')
> via an additional control command?

I don't think this is possible as far as my memory goes for control-spec.txt.



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