On 02/04/2016 10:07 AM, Christian Sturm wrote:
> Hello,
> a while ago I set up a BSD buildbot for tor[1]. It's actually not just
> for BSDs, but also for other systems, such as Solaris. I wanted to make
> it easier to notice when something breaks on non-popular systems, not
> actively used by the developers.
> There also is reporting through an IRC bot and I wanted to ask if it
> would be interesting to have it report there. Currently it just lurks in
> there and lacks the permission to report build failures. So it would be
> great if the user 'bsdbuildbot' could get those permissions.
> I was wondering whether this is something that developers are interested
> in and if so what kind of reporting they'd like to have. Currently (if
> it would be allowed to) it would report individual build failures and
> success, but of course if that's too noisy could also change to just
> notify when this changes.
> Thanks to weasel there also is a FreeBSD builder for Jenkins. However
> that's only FreeBSD for now. The buildbot already has some other
> operating systems as build slaves and it's rather simple to set it up.
> Chris
> [1] http://buildbot.pixelminers.net/

I apologize. I copied this post, because I wasn't subscribed to tor-dev
when I originally sent this email and forgot about the subject line.
Here it is now.

Hoping that this email makes it easier for people reading or searching
this mailing list.


-- Chris
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