Hey all,

I just wanted to thank the list members for giving me some great advice on 
working with my ISP to deal with the DMCA nastygrams. I restricted my exit 
policy to allow most legitimate TCP services and block the rest, which should 
hopefully disincentivize those damn P2P users from picking my relay as an exit 
in most cases. 

Does the Tor project run a database to track abuse complaints? Could be useful 
in terms of uncovering who the largest pains in the ass are (mine was from 
Irdeto on behalf on NBC Universal), as well as organizing targeted campaigns to 
put pressure on companies like Irdeto to at least perform some due diligence 
and not send out DMCA originating from exit relays. If not, maybe I’ll start 
working on a project to do so if there isn’t something else like it elsewhere.

On another note, I discovered I prefer running Tor on FreeBSD over Linux. Ran 
CentOS for a bit, but somehow encrypting /tmp blew it up and the NOC had to 
re-install the OS. I went with FreeBSD instead and dig it immensely. Pf is much 
less of a headache than IPTables — I actually got port forwarding from 80 to 
9091 and 43 to 9090 working. Administration is more straightforward. I like the 
clear separation of the base system from additional software added from ports. 
Compiling ports, while more time consuming, is a delight compared to some of 
the binary package management issues I’ve had in the past with Linux. FreeBSD 
also appears to manage memory more efficiently. I run Linux as a desktop OS, 
but for a server OS, FreeBSD has won me over with its simplicity, less 
convoluted security (no SELinux — yes I know you can turn it off, but I’m the 
masochist who leaves it on), better support for chroot jails. Just my opinion.

One more question and I’ll probably feel stupid after reading the answers, but 
does “RelayBandwidthRate” apply separately to rx and tx rates or the combined 
throughput of them both? The server I run has an unmetered 100Mb/s connection. 
I’ve got RelayBandwidthRate set to 5MB and RelayBandwidthBurst set to 10MB. 
12.5MB/s being the theoretical max, if I bumped up my bandwidth rate to, say, 
8, would my relay overload the NIC or would it continue to behave?

My server specs are as follows:

FreeBSD 9.2
Dual Core Atom D2500
2TB SATA drive (encrypted swap and /tmp)
100Mbit unmetered traffic
5 usable IPv4 addresses

At last check, I had 1140 TCP connections according to lsof and vnstat is 
showing throughputs of 13-18Mbit/s rx and 14-19Mbit/s tx. Tor CPU usage is 
about 22-27% according to top.

Does this look reasonable or should I tweak some things like max connections?


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