On 8/11/2011 11:08 AM, Phillip wrote:
I'm still sticking to Torbutton - I prefer the flexibility of being able
to switch it on and off when I need, rather than launching a new
browser. That being said, I frequently run Tor with Firefox at the same
time as my e-mail client (all of which is routed through Tor). As long
as Vidalia's opened, you should be able to use multiple programs with
Tor simultaneously.

With Thunderbird, you can check by sending a test e-mail, even to
yourself, then looking at the source. It's working if you get something
that looks like this:

Received: from [] (tor-exit-router45-readme.formlessnetworking.net 
         by mx.google.com with ESMTPS id v16sm1593516ibf.42.2011.
         (version=SSLv3 cipher=AES128-SHA);

Not sure about other apps like Pidgin etc.

Is there a problem using both - either separately (one active at a
time), or simultaneously?

Last, for non browser apps, is there a standard way to check if
they're using Tor (say, Thunderbird or other apps), as the check for
tor-talk mailing list

Thanks Phillip. I'll try that w/ Tbird. But, still like to know if can install both vidalia bundle & Tor browser bundle at same time (even if not running at same time). Like you, I might have other apps I want to run thru Tor, but don't necessarily want Tor browser open. Or if TBB hangs & have to close, then any other apps running thru Tor lose their connection / anonymity.

According to what I've read here, development / security of Tor button is not high priority anymore & trying to phase it out. However, not having ability to run Tor w/o a browser open has some drawbacks. You don't need Tor button to user Tor for another app, as long as you can verify it's using Tor.
That's why I asked about installing both.
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