On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 10:48:46AM -0500, Tor-talk wrote:
> Reading through this:
> https://www.torproject.org/docs/verifying-signatures.html.en#BuildVerification
> Trying to do this on Mac OS X.
> `shasum -a 256 <tor browser distro>.dmg` clearly gives me a checksum that 
> doesn't match the one in the "sha256sums-unsigned-build.txt" file. Tried it 
> with 6.0.6 and 6.0.7.
> From what I understand, if the PGP signature is valid that confirms the 
> package wasn't tampered with.
> But it is confusing and disturbing to a newbie to try this and get a 
> mismatched checksum. Please modify these instructions so it's clear what this 
> process is and what you have to do to get it to work because it doesn't work 
> "out of the box" for Mac OS X.
> Thanks--
> -- 
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I had to ask the guys on the IRC myself. The hashes don't match because they 
were created before Apple does their code signing. Hence the "unsigned-build" 
in the filename. If you want to verify Windows/OS X builds, you can only use 
the individual .asc signatures as described in the paragraphs above.
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