Hi community,

my vote:

 [X] +1 release it
 [ ] +0 go ahead I don't care
 [ ] -1 no, do not release it because

mvn --version:

Apache Maven 3.9.6 (bc0240f3c744dd6b6ec2920b3cd08dcc295161ae)
Maven home: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/maven/3.9.6/libexec
Java version: 21.0.2, vendor: Homebrew, runtime: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/openjdk/21.0.2/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home
Default locale: de_DE, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "14.4.1", arch: "aarch64", family: "mac"

mvn verify:
[INFO] Reactor Summary for Torque Maven Parent 6.0:
[INFO] Torque Maven Parent ................................ SUCCESS [  1.660 s] [INFO] Torque Runtime ..................................... SUCCESS [ 34.319 s] [INFO] Torque Generator ................................... SUCCESS [ 22.322 s] [INFO] Torque Templates ................................... SUCCESS [  9.636 s] [INFO] Torque Generator Maven 2 Plugin .................... SUCCESS [  2.087 s] [INFO] Torque Generator Ant tasks ......................... SUCCESS [  2.232 s] [INFO] Torque Site ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.465 s] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Some things to consider:

We should make clear, that we dropped support for DBCP v1 (as of svn version 1917236)

We still generate some deprecated "new Integer(String)" for setPrimaryKey(String) in our BaseClass-Templates.
The schema to create it was:
    <column name="id" required="true" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true"/>
I don't really get why exactly it is not matching with Integer but instead with just $number? As this is still just a warning in current Java versions, we might tackle it with the next release.


Am 08.05.24 um 15:54 schrieb Kallidis, Georg:
Hi Torque community,

a release candidate for Torque version 6.0 has been prepared (closed in 
nexus.apache.org) and is open for voting!





  This release contains the following updates (from SVN Messages and JIRA):

Dependency Updates:
- Minor updates for Commons-configuration2 to 2.10.1, commons-dbcp2 to 2.12.0, 
commons-lang3 to 3.14.0, commons-io to 2.15.1, mockito to 5.11.0
- Parent apache to v32
- Log4j version 2.23.1 and patch update junit jupiter/launcher version to 
5.10.2 / 1.10.2
- Major update org.eclipse.jgit from to
- Minor version update log4J2 to 2.20.0
- Add missing junit dependency and update fulcrum-testcontainer to 2.0.0 in 
torque-runtime module
- Fix version of checkstyle plugin dependency com.puppycrawl.tools checkstyle 
to 10.15.0
- Remove jacoco profile as with dependency update to 0.8.12 restriction is 

Plugin updates:
- pmd to 3.21.2, jxr to 3.3.2, spotbugs-mavdn-plugin to,spotbugs to 
4.8.3, checkstyle to 3.3.1, compiler to 3.11.0, rat to 0.16.1
- maven-project-info-reports-plugin to 3.5.0, major update wagon-ssh-external 
to 3.5.3 from 2.2
- surefire plugin to v3.2.5, fulcrum-testcontainer to 2.0.0,
- dependency-check to 8.2.1, maven-ant to 3.1.0, javadoc to 3.5.0, 
build-helper-maven-plugin to 3.3.0
- Exclude geronimo-jms_1.1_spec and use javax.jms-api v2.0.1 instead.
- Minor version update spotbugs-maven-plugin from to with 
spotbugs v 4.7.3 as old version was not compatible with newer java (20) version.

- docker-maven-plugin version to 0.44.0, update postgresl to 15.2 in DOCKERFILE,
- testcontainers to 1.19.7, postgres.jdbc version to 42.6.
- derby, hsqldb 2.7.9  (minor updates)
- mysql dependency to renamed artifact/groupId and update version to 8.0.33. 
update testcontainer to 1.18.

- Set minimal maven version to 3.9.0, use compiler.release (java > 9),  set 
java version to 11
- Remove xerces dependency as package org.xml.sax conflicts with default java 
11 (9) system module packages

- Handle null-encoding, make tests less chatty
- Eclipse cleanup
- Remove deprecated code
- Update JCS to 3.2

TORQUE-365: CountHelper doesn't work, when Criteria has "setDisctint()"
TORQUE-364 (Incomplete): RecordMapper very slow on many columns in table. 
Thanks to Mwried's code suggestion introducing a MapperStrategy in generated 
mapper code, but allow for as much backward-compatible code as possible. Use 
options.properties to configure integration in template recordMapperBase.vm: 
Options torque.om.useMappingStrategy and mappingStrategySort are checked (both 
by default true). Add static SQL expressions and use them together with lookup 
set in loop in processRow method.
TORQUE-367: (Workaround) Prepare for release of Apache Maven Plugin Tools 
version 3.12.1 (still 3.12.0)
TORQUE-363 added new constructor for Criterion with SqlEnum as second value.
TORQUE-363. Adding Criterion isNull test
TORQUE-362 Resolve follow-up error
TORQUE-361: fix: Lazy initializing GroovyShell with class loader from 
unitConfiguration (unit descriptor classloader) and if null using default.

- Suppress CVE-2022-41852/ and add preliminary fix in SourcePath
- Suppress CVE-2022-40160 CVE-2022-40159 found be invalid and CVE-2022-41852 as 
rejected for commons-jx-path.

- Use non deprecated Float, Double or Number initializers instead of new 
constructors (Java 11)
- Use Charset where appropriate
- Add link in javadoc for two arg constructor Criterion
- Test: Update Mock.initMocks using wrapper class
- Remove in Torque.properties durationBetweenEvictionRuns which requires now a 
duration since dbcp 2.9.0 and commons-pool2 2.10.0
- Make field last..Criteria transient
- Allow Duration text format in configuration
- Include MariaDb alias, Driver class for MariaDB v3 and map to MysqlAdapter to 
allow jdbc:mariadb connection url and database configuration. Fix MariaDb alias 
to mysql adapter.
- Update criteria javadoc to be more explicit about the required type if it is 
a value from database (e.g. a column) as in criterion class.
- Use getDeclaredConstructor in reflection calls
- Allow in mysql ddl default charset
- Fix unchanged database-5-0.xsd in module site (from torque-templates, which 
has an updated version 5.1 in the 5.0 namespace) and provide new 
database-5-1.xsd (currently identical). Add (copied from module site) 
database-5-1-strict.xsd and database-5-1.xsd in module torque-templates. Add 
5.1. Schema.
- Add test for another constructor call in CriterionTest.java
- Fix options in mysql, which hast to be set _after_ (create_definitions) 
(round brackets)
- Reorder and add some more options for mysql "table create options" outlets 

  JIRA issue set for v6.0:

- Tested with JDK openjdk version "20" 2023-03-21




Please verify this release candidate carefully, give feedback or/and vote

  [ ] +1 release it
  [ ] +0 go ahead I don't care
  [ ] -1 no, do not release it because

Thanks to all contributors!

Best regards, Georg

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