
your code looks ok. There is something similar in the Runtimetest,
    public void testCriteriaOrderBy()
        List books = null;
            Criteria criteria = new Criteria();

            books = BookPeer.doSelect(criteria);
        catch (Exception e)
            fail("Exception caught : "
                     + e.getClass().getName()
                     + " : " + e.getMessage());

which runs without problems.
Can you please send in the stacktrace of the NullPointerException, and state which Torque version you are using ?


Original Message:
I'm having trouble with ordering columns. I'm not sure why, I've tried
debugging, but I always seems to get a null pointer exception, yet I can't
figure out what's null...maybe it's because I don't have the Torque source
in the debugger, so I lose my abililty to step through and really see what's
happening once I leave my generated classes. But normally I'm getting a
list back, it's just not sorted. So I installed p6spy to check the SQL and
see what was really going on. So I made this simple little tester class to
see what's up and I get an exception when I try to order. I have a DB
that's a fake doctor's office say, and it holds records of patients. Any
idea why the code below wouldn't work, and any suggestions on how to add
ordering? According to the Criteria tutorial, my code should work
perfectly. All they have is
"criteria.addAscendingOrderByColumn(RolePeer.NAME);" and I do something very
similar. The problem is obviously with the ordering method call. If I
comment out that line, the code works and my list prints out...it's just not
sorted which is what I want to do. Thanks! -Brandon

public class Tester
                 public static void main(String[] args)


Criteria c = new Criteria();

List li = PatientPeer.doSelect(c);
Iterator i = (Iterator)li.iterator();

System.out.println("list 1");
while (i.hasNext())
Patient p = (Patient)i.next();

                                 catch (Exception e)

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