Thanks for the quick reply, Stefan, though it's a shame that you won't 
progress the request any further.  I have downloaded the tortoisesvn 
sources and seeing the supplied visual studio project gave that a try.   It 
built the SciLexer.dll, then promptly died on apr.h.  It appears that I 
have to run ./buildconf in the ext/apr project - but I can't see how to do 
that in Windows.  Can you point me to the minimum instructions to rebuild 
the ext dependencies for TortoiseProc?  My google-fu is having problems 
getting past the forest of 'how to use' rather than how to build.  

PS.  Now I know why Open With doesn't work in the progress dialog.  :O)

On Saturday, 22 August 2020 at 19:05:34 UTC+10 Stefan wrote:

> A "diff with working copy" from the progress dialog requires network 
> access to the repository. That's why it's not the default action because 
> it's expensive, i.e. it can take quite a while to complete. And that's the 
> reason why this won't change, sorry.
> On Friday, August 21, 2020 at 9:33:22 AM UTC+2 Tony Rietwyk wrote:
>> In most TSVN dialogs, double clicking a file name shows you the diffs - 
>> except after doing an Update - it opens the file instead.  Strangely, the 
>> right-click menu in Update doesn't show Open as the bolded default action.  
>> It would be really, really nice if you could add an advanced setting to 
>> make 'Diff with working copy' the default, instead of Open file.  I'm happy 
>> to make US$20 contribution to make it higher priority.  :O) 

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