pterpm wrote: 
> Ah, i'm sorry but when i login the LMS web in my Synology but i could
> not found the setting part, can you show me how to get to that point
> please
> Thank you
> P.S:never mind , i found this on bottom of the screen
> Thank you very much for you help

Since this thread was the first one to turn up when I searched for a
similar question, a walkthrough for anyone having this problem:

The synology web interface does not give you access to any setting for
the Logitech Server.  So, do this:

1) Go to the main web interface for the Synology Diskstation, by using
the Synology Assistant app.  
2) Launch Package Center from the icon on the left.
3) Launch  Logitech Media Server from the list.
4) Within that window, look to the left, and there should be (in
smallish font)  A series of things like


At the bottom of this list (you may need to scroll down) is 
5) Click on the URL, and it will launch the actual Logitech Media Server
6) go ALL the way to the lower right hand corner -- there is a lot of
white space in this page, for some stupid reason, and the "Settings"
button is beyond it, like an oasis across a desert of meaningless and
irritating obscuring white space.
7) Having reached the Settings oasis, click on it.
8) Here you can specify up to three directories/folders in which music
is stored. 
9) But enlightenment is not fully provided.  If you do not change the
directory name, there is a "rescan" button you can click.  But what if
you do change the directory?  Does it rescan automatically?  Or does it
just sit there?  This is what I am wondering and experiencing in this

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