[Touch-packages] [Bug 1710995] Re: mythbuntu 16.04 install - whoopsie not online

2017-09-19 Thread Stefan Pappalardo
I've reinstalled network-manager and commented out all lines associated to eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces. Now whoopsie is able to see if the system is connected to the inter net again. perhaps one "quick" solution could be making the package network-manager a hard dependency for whoopsie

[Touch-packages] [Bug 1710995] Re: mythbuntu 16.04 install - whoopsie not online

2017-08-18 Thread Stefan Pappalardo
Restarting networking does not bring whoopsie online. $ sudo systemctl restart networking $ sudo systemctl status whoopsie ● whoopsie.service - crash report submission daemon Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/whoopsie.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running)