Public bug reported:

Ubuntu 16.04LTS
OS Version: 16.04.5
CUPS Version: 2.1.3
Ghostscript Version: 9.18 

<Bug Description>
ppd updating unexpectedly after printing job finished

We(RICOH printer driver developer) got a bug report from the users of our 
We changed the UI setting(DefaultRICyan, DefaultRIMagenta, DefaultRIYellow, 
DefaultRIBlack) of the RICOH driver. 
And confirmed the PPD setting(DefaultRICyan, DefaultRIMagenta, DefaultRIYellow, 
DefaultRIBlack) in etc/cups/ppds/XXXX.ppd was changed correctly before printing.
When the printing job completed, We expected the PPD file is same with the one 
before printing.
But after printing job completed, a part of setting in 
etc/cups/ppds/XXXX.ppd(DefaultRICyan, DefaultRIMagenta, DefaultRIYellow, 
DefaultRIBlack) was changed unexpectedly.
It seems be changed to the value in /usr/share/ppd/ricoh/XXXX.ppd.

According to the "CUPS Error Log" and the open source of CUPS, it seems that 
CUPS Updated the PPD Setting after the printing job.
We doubt that CUPS didn't find a part of the keyword we changed in the PPD file.

Error Log
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and 
dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] PID 2714 
(/usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster) exited with no errors.
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 25 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning . 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 29 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning . 1
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 25 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning . 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 29 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning . 1
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 34 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 36 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 36 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET: 38 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
. 6
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] PPD: DefaultRIBlack=5    ※ppd loading 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET: 38 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
. 6
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] PPD: DefaultRICyan=5    ※ppd loading 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET: 38 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
. 6
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] PPD: DefaultRIMagenta=5 ※ppd loading 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET: 38 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
. 6
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] PPD: DefaultRIYellow=5  ※ppd loading 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Waiting for status monitor to stop
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] [Job 2] Status monitor stopped
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] [Job 2] Job finished
I [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] Expiring subscriptions...
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and 
dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and 
dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdMarkDirty(----S)
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and 
dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and 
dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and 
dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
I [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] Updating keywords in PPD file for SG7200shiji...
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] *DefaultRIBlack: 5       ※ppd updated 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] *DefaultRICyan: 5       ※ppd updated unexpectedly
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] *DefaultRIMagenta: 5  ※ppd updated unexpectedly
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] *DefaultRIYellow: 5     ※ppd updated unexpectedly
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdMarkDirty(P----)
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", 
busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] load_ppd: Loading 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] load_ppd: Saving 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] 
D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] [Job 2] Removing document files.

CUPS Open Source
<download URL>
static int                              /* O - Exit status */
auto_configure(ppd_file_t *ppd,         /* I - PPD file */
               const char *user)        /* I - Printing user */
    * Read the response data...

    bufptr    = buffer;
    buffer[0] = '\0';
    while ((bytes = cupsBackChannelRead(bufptr, sizeof(buffer) - 
(size_t)(bufptr - buffer) - 1, 10.0)) > 0)
      * No newline at the end? Go on reading ...

      bufptr += bytes;
      *bufptr = '\0';

      if (bytes == 0 ||
          (bufptr > buffer && bufptr[-1] != '\r' && bufptr[-1] != '\n'))

      * Trim whitespace and control characters from both ends...

      bytes = bufptr - buffer;

      for (bufptr --; bufptr >= buffer; bufptr --)
        if (isspace(*bufptr & 255) || iscntrl(*bufptr & 255))
          *bufptr = '\0';

      for (bufptr = buffer; isspace(*bufptr & 255) || iscntrl(*bufptr & 255);
           bufptr ++);

      if (bufptr > buffer)
        _cups_strcpy(buffer, bufptr);
        bufptr = buffer;

      fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Got %d bytes.\n", (int)bytes);

      * Skip blank lines...

      if (!buffer[0])

      * Check the response...

      if ((bufptr = strchr(buffer, ':')) != NULL)
        * PostScript code for this option in the PPD is broken; show the
        * interpreter's error message that came back...

        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG%s\n", bufptr);

      * Verify the result is a valid option choice...

      if (!ppdFindChoice(option, buffer))
        if (!strcasecmp(buffer, "Unknown"))

        bufptr    = buffer;
        buffer[0] = '\0';

      * Write out the result and move on to the next option...

      fprintf(stderr, "PPD: Default%s=%s\n", option->keyword, buffer);

    * Printer did not answer this option's query

PPD File
<Before Printing>
*PPD-Adobe: "4.3"
*OpenGroup: AdjustColorDensity/Adjust Color Density
*OpenUI *RICyan/C: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RICyan
*DefaultRICyan: 1       ※ppd loading target keyword(expected result)
*RICyan 1/1: "%% RICyan=1"
*RICyan 2/2: "%% RICyan=2"
*RICyan 3/3: "%% RICyan=3"
*RICyan 4/4: "%% RICyan=4"
*RICyan 5/5: "%% RICyan=5"
*RICyan 6/6: "%% RICyan=6"
*RICyan 7/7: "%% RICyan=7"
*RICyan 8/8: "%% RICyan=8"
*RICyan 9/9: "%% RICyan=9"
*CloseUI: *RICyan
*OpenUI *RIMagenta/M: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RIMagenta
*DefaultRIMagenta: 1    ※ppd loading target keyword(expected result)
*RIMagenta 1/1: "%% RIMagenta=1"
*RIMagenta 2/2: "%% RIMagenta=2"
*RIMagenta 3/3: "%% RIMagenta=3"
*RIMagenta 4/4: "%% RIMagenta=4"
*RIMagenta 5/5: "%% RIMagenta=5"
*RIMagenta 6/6: "%% RIMagenta=6"
*RIMagenta 7/7: "%% RIMagenta=7"
*RIMagenta 8/8: "%% RIMagenta=8"
*RIMagenta 9/9: "%% RIMagenta=9"
*CloseUI: *RIMagenta
*OpenUI *RIYellow/Y: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RIYellow
*DefaultRIYellow: 1     ※ppd loading target keyword(expected result)
*RIYellow 1/1: "%% RIYellow=1"
*RIYellow 2/2: "%% RIYellow=2"
*RIYellow 3/3: "%% RIYellow=3"
*RIYellow 4/4: "%% RIYellow=4"
*RIYellow 5/5: "%% RIYellow=5"
*RIYellow 6/6: "%% RIYellow=6"
*RIYellow 7/7: "%% RIYellow=7"
*RIYellow 8/8: "%% RIYellow=8"
*RIYellow 9/9: "%% RIYellow=9"
*CloseUI: *RIYellow
*OpenUI *RIBlack/K: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RIBlack
*DefaultRIBlack: 1      ※ppd loading target keyword(expected result)
*RIBlack 1/1: "%% RIBlack=1"
*RIBlack 2/2: "%% RIBlack=2"
*RIBlack 3/3: "%% RIBlack=3"
*RIBlack 4/4: "%% RIBlack=4"
*RIBlack 5/5: "%% RIBlack=5"
*RIBlack 6/6: "%% RIBlack=6"
*RIBlack 7/7: "%% RIBlack=7"
*RIBlack 8/8: "%% RIBlack=8"
*RIBlack 9/9: "%% RIBlack=9"
*CloseUI: *RIBlack
*CloseGroup: AdjustColorDensity

<After Printing>
*PPD-Adobe: "4.3"
*DefaultRICyan: 5       ※ppd updated unexpectedly
*DefaultRIMagenta: 5    ※ppd updated unexpectedly
*DefaultRIYellow: 5     ※ppd updated unexpectedly
*DefaultRIBlack: 5      ※ppd updated unexpectedly
*OpenGroup: AdjustColorDensity/Adjust Color Density
*OpenUI *RICyan/C: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RICyan
*RICyan 1/1: "%% RICyan=1"
*RICyan 2/2: "%% RICyan=2"
*RICyan 3/3: "%% RICyan=3"
*RICyan 4/4: "%% RICyan=4"
*RICyan 5/5: "%% RICyan=5"
*RICyan 6/6: "%% RICyan=6"
*RICyan 7/7: "%% RICyan=7"
*RICyan 8/8: "%% RICyan=8"
*RICyan 9/9: "%% RICyan=9"
*CloseUI: *RICyan
*OpenUI *RIMagenta/M: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RIMagenta
*RIMagenta 1/1: "%% RIMagenta=1"
*RIMagenta 2/2: "%% RIMagenta=2"
*RIMagenta 3/3: "%% RIMagenta=3"
*RIMagenta 4/4: "%% RIMagenta=4"
*RIMagenta 5/5: "%% RIMagenta=5"
*RIMagenta 6/6: "%% RIMagenta=6"
*RIMagenta 7/7: "%% RIMagenta=7"
*RIMagenta 8/8: "%% RIMagenta=8"
*RIMagenta 9/9: "%% RIMagenta=9"
*CloseUI: *RIMagenta
*OpenUI *RIYellow/Y: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RIYellow
*RIYellow 1/1: "%% RIYellow=1"
*RIYellow 2/2: "%% RIYellow=2"
*RIYellow 3/3: "%% RIYellow=3"
*RIYellow 4/4: "%% RIYellow=4"
*RIYellow 5/5: "%% RIYellow=5"
*RIYellow 6/6: "%% RIYellow=6"
*RIYellow 7/7: "%% RIYellow=7"
*RIYellow 8/8: "%% RIYellow=8"
*RIYellow 9/9: "%% RIYellow=9"
*CloseUI: *RIYellow
*OpenUI *RIBlack/K: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RIBlack
*RIBlack 1/1: "%% RIBlack=1"
*RIBlack 2/2: "%% RIBlack=2"
*RIBlack 3/3: "%% RIBlack=3"
*RIBlack 4/4: "%% RIBlack=4"
*RIBlack 5/5: "%% RIBlack=5"
*RIBlack 6/6: "%% RIBlack=6"
*RIBlack 7/7: "%% RIBlack=7"
*RIBlack 8/8: "%% RIBlack=8"
*RIBlack 9/9: "%% RIBlack=9"
*CloseUI: *RIBlack
*CloseGroup: AdjustColorDensity

Our questiong is:
1. Why CUPS loaded unexceptedly PPD file but not the etc/cups/ppds/XXXX.ppd? 
And after printing job, even the kewords((DefaultRICyan, DefaultRIMagenta, 
DefaultRIYellow, DefaultRIBlack)) location in the PPD file were also changed.
2. If this is the problem of CUPS, do CUPS have any plan to solve it?
3. Do you have any workaround before the problem be fixed?

** Affects: cups (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

** Tags: ppd unexpectedly updating

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Touch seeded packages, which is subscribed to cups in Ubuntu.

  ppd updating unexpectedly after printing job finished

Status in cups package in Ubuntu:

Bug description:
  Ubuntu 16.04LTS
  OS Version: 16.04.5
  CUPS Version: 2.1.3
  Ghostscript Version: 9.18 

  <Bug Description>
  ppd updating unexpectedly after printing job finished

  We(RICOH printer driver developer) got a bug report from the users of our 
  We changed the UI setting(DefaultRICyan, DefaultRIMagenta, DefaultRIYellow, 
DefaultRIBlack) of the RICOH driver. 
  And confirmed the PPD setting(DefaultRICyan, DefaultRIMagenta, 
DefaultRIYellow, DefaultRIBlack) in etc/cups/ppds/XXXX.ppd was changed 
correctly before printing.
  When the printing job completed, We expected the PPD file is same with the 
one before printing.
  But after printing job completed, a part of setting in 
etc/cups/ppds/XXXX.ppd(DefaultRICyan, DefaultRIMagenta, DefaultRIYellow, 
DefaultRIBlack) was changed unexpectedly.
  It seems be changed to the value in /usr/share/ppd/ricoh/XXXX.ppd.

  According to the "CUPS Error Log" and the open source of CUPS, it seems that 
CUPS Updated the PPD Setting after the printing job.
  We doubt that CUPS didn't find a part of the keyword we changed in the PPD 

  Error Log
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and 
dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] PID 2714 
(/usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster) exited with no errors.
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 25 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning . 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 29 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning . 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 25 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning . 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 29 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning . 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 34 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 36 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET_NEXT: 36 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET: 38 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
. 6
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] PPD: DefaultRIBlack=5    ※ppd loading 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET: 38 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
. 6
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] PPD: DefaultRICyan=5    ※ppd loading 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET: 38 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
. 6
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] PPD: DefaultRIMagenta=5 ※ppd loading 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET: 38 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Returning 
. 6
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] PPD: DefaultRIYellow=5  ※ppd loading 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:52 +0800] [Job 2] Waiting for status monitor to stop
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] [Job 2] Status monitor stopped
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] [Job 2] Job finished
  I [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] Expiring subscriptions...
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and 
dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and 
dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdMarkDirty(----S)
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and 
dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and 
dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and 
dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
  I [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] Updating keywords in PPD file for 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] *DefaultRIBlack: 5       ※ppd updated 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] *DefaultRICyan: 5       ※ppd updated 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] *DefaultRIMagenta: 5  ※ppd updated unexpectedly
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] *DefaultRIYellow: 5     ※ppd updated 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdMarkDirty(P----)
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", 
busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] load_ppd: Loading 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] load_ppd: Saving 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] 
  D [19/Jul/2019:19:05:53 +0800] [Job 2] Removing document files.

  CUPS Open Source
  <download URL>
  static int                            /* O - Exit status */
  auto_configure(ppd_file_t *ppd,               /* I - PPD file */
                 const char *user)      /* I - Printing user */
      * Read the response data...

      bufptr    = buffer;
      buffer[0] = '\0';
      while ((bytes = cupsBackChannelRead(bufptr, sizeof(buffer) - 
(size_t)(bufptr - buffer) - 1, 10.0)) > 0)
        * No newline at the end? Go on reading ...

        bufptr += bytes;
        *bufptr = '\0';

        if (bytes == 0 ||
            (bufptr > buffer && bufptr[-1] != '\r' && bufptr[-1] != '\n'))

        * Trim whitespace and control characters from both ends...

        bytes = bufptr - buffer;

        for (bufptr --; bufptr >= buffer; bufptr --)
          if (isspace(*bufptr & 255) || iscntrl(*bufptr & 255))
          *bufptr = '\0';

        for (bufptr = buffer; isspace(*bufptr & 255) || iscntrl(*bufptr & 255);
           bufptr ++);

        if (bufptr > buffer)
          _cups_strcpy(buffer, bufptr);
        bufptr = buffer;

        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Got %d bytes.\n", (int)bytes);

        * Skip blank lines...

        if (!buffer[0])

        * Check the response...

        if ((bufptr = strchr(buffer, ':')) != NULL)
          * PostScript code for this option in the PPD is broken; show the
          * interpreter's error message that came back...

        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG%s\n", bufptr);

        * Verify the result is a valid option choice...

        if (!ppdFindChoice(option, buffer))
        if (!strcasecmp(buffer, "Unknown"))

        bufptr    = buffer;
        buffer[0] = '\0';

        * Write out the result and move on to the next option...

        fprintf(stderr, "PPD: Default%s=%s\n", option->keyword, buffer);

      * Printer did not answer this option's query

  PPD File
  <Before Printing>
  *PPD-Adobe: "4.3"
  *OpenGroup: AdjustColorDensity/Adjust Color Density
  *OpenUI *RICyan/C: PickOne
  *OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RICyan
  *DefaultRICyan: 1     ※ppd loading target keyword(expected result)
  *RICyan 1/1: "%% RICyan=1"
  *RICyan 2/2: "%% RICyan=2"
  *RICyan 3/3: "%% RICyan=3"
  *RICyan 4/4: "%% RICyan=4"
  *RICyan 5/5: "%% RICyan=5"
  *RICyan 6/6: "%% RICyan=6"
  *RICyan 7/7: "%% RICyan=7"
  *RICyan 8/8: "%% RICyan=8"
  *RICyan 9/9: "%% RICyan=9"
  *CloseUI: *RICyan
  *OpenUI *RIMagenta/M: PickOne
  *OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RIMagenta
  *DefaultRIMagenta: 1  ※ppd loading target keyword(expected result)
  *RIMagenta 1/1: "%% RIMagenta=1"
  *RIMagenta 2/2: "%% RIMagenta=2"
  *RIMagenta 3/3: "%% RIMagenta=3"
  *RIMagenta 4/4: "%% RIMagenta=4"
  *RIMagenta 5/5: "%% RIMagenta=5"
  *RIMagenta 6/6: "%% RIMagenta=6"
  *RIMagenta 7/7: "%% RIMagenta=7"
  *RIMagenta 8/8: "%% RIMagenta=8"
  *RIMagenta 9/9: "%% RIMagenta=9"
  *CloseUI: *RIMagenta
  *OpenUI *RIYellow/Y: PickOne
  *OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RIYellow
  *DefaultRIYellow: 1   ※ppd loading target keyword(expected result)
  *RIYellow 1/1: "%% RIYellow=1"
  *RIYellow 2/2: "%% RIYellow=2"
  *RIYellow 3/3: "%% RIYellow=3"
  *RIYellow 4/4: "%% RIYellow=4"
  *RIYellow 5/5: "%% RIYellow=5"
  *RIYellow 6/6: "%% RIYellow=6"
  *RIYellow 7/7: "%% RIYellow=7"
  *RIYellow 8/8: "%% RIYellow=8"
  *RIYellow 9/9: "%% RIYellow=9"
  *CloseUI: *RIYellow
  *OpenUI *RIBlack/K: PickOne
  *OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RIBlack
  *DefaultRIBlack: 1    ※ppd loading target keyword(expected result)
  *RIBlack 1/1: "%% RIBlack=1"
  *RIBlack 2/2: "%% RIBlack=2"
  *RIBlack 3/3: "%% RIBlack=3"
  *RIBlack 4/4: "%% RIBlack=4"
  *RIBlack 5/5: "%% RIBlack=5"
  *RIBlack 6/6: "%% RIBlack=6"
  *RIBlack 7/7: "%% RIBlack=7"
  *RIBlack 8/8: "%% RIBlack=8"
  *RIBlack 9/9: "%% RIBlack=9"
  *CloseUI: *RIBlack
  *CloseGroup: AdjustColorDensity

  <After Printing>
  *PPD-Adobe: "4.3"
  *DefaultRICyan: 5     ※ppd updated unexpectedly
  *DefaultRIMagenta: 5  ※ppd updated unexpectedly
  *DefaultRIYellow: 5   ※ppd updated unexpectedly
  *DefaultRIBlack: 5    ※ppd updated unexpectedly
  *OpenGroup: AdjustColorDensity/Adjust Color Density
  *OpenUI *RICyan/C: PickOne
  *OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RICyan
  *RICyan 1/1: "%% RICyan=1"
  *RICyan 2/2: "%% RICyan=2"
  *RICyan 3/3: "%% RICyan=3"
  *RICyan 4/4: "%% RICyan=4"
  *RICyan 5/5: "%% RICyan=5"
  *RICyan 6/6: "%% RICyan=6"
  *RICyan 7/7: "%% RICyan=7"
  *RICyan 8/8: "%% RICyan=8"
  *RICyan 9/9: "%% RICyan=9"
  *CloseUI: *RICyan
  *OpenUI *RIMagenta/M: PickOne
  *OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RIMagenta
  *RIMagenta 1/1: "%% RIMagenta=1"
  *RIMagenta 2/2: "%% RIMagenta=2"
  *RIMagenta 3/3: "%% RIMagenta=3"
  *RIMagenta 4/4: "%% RIMagenta=4"
  *RIMagenta 5/5: "%% RIMagenta=5"
  *RIMagenta 6/6: "%% RIMagenta=6"
  *RIMagenta 7/7: "%% RIMagenta=7"
  *RIMagenta 8/8: "%% RIMagenta=8"
  *RIMagenta 9/9: "%% RIMagenta=9"
  *CloseUI: *RIMagenta
  *OpenUI *RIYellow/Y: PickOne
  *OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RIYellow
  *RIYellow 1/1: "%% RIYellow=1"
  *RIYellow 2/2: "%% RIYellow=2"
  *RIYellow 3/3: "%% RIYellow=3"
  *RIYellow 4/4: "%% RIYellow=4"
  *RIYellow 5/5: "%% RIYellow=5"
  *RIYellow 6/6: "%% RIYellow=6"
  *RIYellow 7/7: "%% RIYellow=7"
  *RIYellow 8/8: "%% RIYellow=8"
  *RIYellow 9/9: "%% RIYellow=9"
  *CloseUI: *RIYellow
  *OpenUI *RIBlack/K: PickOne
  *OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RIBlack
  *RIBlack 1/1: "%% RIBlack=1"
  *RIBlack 2/2: "%% RIBlack=2"
  *RIBlack 3/3: "%% RIBlack=3"
  *RIBlack 4/4: "%% RIBlack=4"
  *RIBlack 5/5: "%% RIBlack=5"
  *RIBlack 6/6: "%% RIBlack=6"
  *RIBlack 7/7: "%% RIBlack=7"
  *RIBlack 8/8: "%% RIBlack=8"
  *RIBlack 9/9: "%% RIBlack=9"
  *CloseUI: *RIBlack
  *CloseGroup: AdjustColorDensity

  Our questiong is:
  1. Why CUPS loaded unexceptedly PPD file but not the etc/cups/ppds/XXXX.ppd? 
  And after printing job, even the kewords((DefaultRICyan, DefaultRIMagenta, 
DefaultRIYellow, DefaultRIBlack)) location in the PPD file were also changed.
  2. If this is the problem of CUPS, do CUPS have any plan to solve it?
  3. Do you have any workaround before the problem be fixed?

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