On 03/10/2018 10:18 PM, Gavin D. Howard wrote:
> This bc is passing all math tests, and it successfully runs the Linux
> timeconst.bc


Which math tests? I'd like to add a tests/bc.test if possible.

> <https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/kernel/time/timeconst.bc>
> script for all values from 0 to 10000, which is all that that particular 
> script
> should need.

That was the motivation for adding this, yes. Thank you. (And thanks to CM Graff
for getting the ball rolling.)

> It is not done yet. I am planning to fuzz this for two weeks starting next 
> week,
> and then I need to test it on more scripts as well. That's why I would like 
> this
> in pending, not in posix. I am hoping to get it in posix by the next toybox
> release, though.

I admit that's pretty thorough, but 9300 lines with nested macros is still
pretty big. This is going to take a while to code review.

>         Patch Links:
>   * https://github.com/landley/toybox/pull/85.patch
>   * https://github.com/landley/toybox/pull/85.diff

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