
I am having troubles configuring FineGrainedPermissions in Trac. I have
tried configuring it manually, using an authzpolicy.conf with he
following content:


I expected that jkr could see the WikiStart and nobody else. But
everyone can see it, it looks as if the conf file is ignored. The
trac.log file shows the following when I access Trac with an anonymous

root@panoramix:/var/lib/trac/testtrac/log# tail -f trac.log | egrep 
'\[perm\]|\[authz_policy\]' | grep WikiStart
2013-11-10 13:37:05,016 Trac[authz_policy] DEBUG: Checking WIKI_VIEW on 
2013-11-10 13:37:05,025 Trac[authz_policy] DEBUG: Checking ATTACHMENT_CREATE on 
2013-11-10 13:37:05,025 Trac[authz_policy] DEBUG: Checking WIKI_MODIFY on 
2013-11-10 13:37:05,025 Trac[perm] DEBUG: No policy allowed anonymous 
performing WIKI_MODIFY on <Resource u'wiki:WikiStart'>
2013-11-10 13:37:05,025 Trac[perm] DEBUG: LegacyAttachmentPolicy denies 
anonymous performing ATTACHMENT_CREATE on <Resource u'wiki:WikiStart, 
2013-11-10 13:37:05,041 Trac[authz_policy] DEBUG: Checking WIKI_ADMIN on 
2013-11-10 13:37:05,041 Trac[perm] DEBUG: No policy allowed anonymous 
performing WIKI_ADMIN on <Resource u'wiki:WikiStart'>
2013-11-10 13:37:05,063 Trac[authz_policy] DEBUG: Checking WIKI_DELETE on 
2013-11-10 13:37:05,063 Trac[perm] DEBUG: No policy allowed anonymous 
performing WIKI_DELETE on <Resource u'wiki:WikiStart'>
2013-11-10 13:37:05,063 Trac[authz_policy] DEBUG: Checking WIKI_RENAME on 
2013-11-10 13:37:05,063 Trac[perm] DEBUG: No policy allowed anonymous 
performing WIKI_RENAME on <Resource u'wiki:WikiStart'>

I also have the FineGrainedPageAuthzEditorPlugin  installed. It does not
not show the contents of my authzpolicy.conf . Entering the text above
leads to an Oops:

Trac detected an internal error: 
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found

And my last problem is the groups file. What is the syntax of that file?
Is there a working example available? 

I have the HtGroupEditorPlugin installed, but if I use the following as
content, it refuses to read the file and gives me an error:

admins = jkr
devs = jkr

And the error is:

Trac detected an internal error: 
IndexError: list index out of range

Anyone any idea how I could sole thsi?



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