I'm a new Trac user/administrator.  I've utterly failed to configure
Trac the way I need it to work. I need help.

I want my Trac to let people sign up for accounts. I'd like each new
user to receive a confirmation e-mail and to give the token enclosed
in the e-mail to Trac on the first login.  If possible, I want to
approve or deny requests for new accounts. This has to work with
Apache. I don't care if Trac does the authentication or it delegates
to Apache.

Please, please, please, will someone on this list send me
instructions, on drool-proof paper if necessary?  I've read virtually
everything on the Trac web site about this topic. I've still failed to
make Trac do what I want. This is quite frustrating.  I'm not usually
incompetent at these things.

Best wishes,

David Talmage

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