For those of you who feel it is hard getting trac (or any other 
software) running, may I give a brief recommendation of the way I did it 
(at least, for those starting from scratch)?

Install a fairly minimal Linux system (I used a 64-bit debian server 
installation, with no non-essential package options).  Use lvm2 for your 
disks, combined with either reiserfs or xfs - that lets you make 
separate partitions for different purposes, and resize then as needed 
without even umounting them.

Pick a virtual server system.  I use openvz, which gives strong 
separation with minimal overhead (the virtual servers share the main 
kernel) - alternatives include linux-vservers (slightly lighter), kvm 
(heavier, as the kernels are separate), xen (even the "host" is a 
virtual machine), and various commercial choices.

Don't install any significant software on the host.  Make virtual 
servers for each application, using a lvm2 partition for each.  The 
virtual servers can be different distros (I use a mixture of 32-bit and 
64-bit debian, but you can spread out wider than that even while sharing 
the kernel).  This way, you can pick whichever distribution you want to 
fit the problem at hand, and you can pick whichever versions of the 
software you like.  If you have a trac server that prefers apache 2, use 
apache 2 on your trac virtual server.  If you have a crm server that 
prefers apache 1, use apache 1 on the crm virtual server - there are no 
conflicts, and no concerns about which port they want to use, as they 
are different virtual servers.  If you're half-way through a server 
setup, and find you've made a complete mess, erasing the virtual server 
and starting again is done in a couple of minutes (using a web cache 
proxy makes downloads and updates faster).

Many people will tell you about the benefits of virtual servers in terms 
of security, or the ability to use fewer physical servers, or the 
ability to migrate virtual servers between physical servers as you need 
more power or space.  All of that is true, but the big benefit I see is 
the separation of tasks so that you can avoid any questions of 
conflicts, and the freedom to have different balances between version 
stability and frequent updates for different services.

My trac installation was done quickly and easily following a couple of 
how-tos found by google, starting from a minimal installation of debian 
on a virtual server.


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