On Jun 10, 5:12 pm, "Jason Winnebeck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since upgrading to 0.11, I noticed that with the drop-down assignment
> box, there used to be a location with no user at all, but now it is
> gone. In our environment, we used that as a way to signify tickets
> available for people to pick up.
> We could assign the tickets instead to someone who could "farm" them
> out, but then you can't tell easily between tickets assigned to the
> person for them to work on, and tickets assigned to them to give away.
> I'm still using the standard Workflow. Maybe I need to modify this to
> use an actual ticket Workflow instead of the more "unofficial"
> convention?
> Jason

There are a couple options here.  Simplest, and  sometimes clearer, is
to create a user named unassigned.

I actually went to a modified version of the enterprise work flow, so
a ticket has to be assigned after creation, and also has to be
"accepted" and also started.  but might be more than you need.  My
reason is that I want to hook the accepted step with some voodoo to
possibly create a series of blocker tickets, based on the owner
checking some boxes (that appeared after assigned, and disappear after
accepting) before accepting.  (basically, I want the owner to say,
also needs: requirement update, manual update, v&v tests scheduled,
and/or code review, etc, as well as put in the time estimate at
acceptance)  so, the work flow works for me.  That said, it's pretty
easy to query on the owner "unassigned"
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