This is going to sound like a rather vague question, but how is trac
SUPPOSED to be used?

The reason I ask is because we use trac at my company, but we are
thinking of switching to something else. Nobody at my company seems to
like it. I just came on board a month ago, and I've never used trac,
and it's kind of been placed upon me to research alternatives, but I
figure that trac is used everywhere so it's got to be good and we are
probably just using it wrong.

However, a month has gone by, and I really can't figure trac out. It
doesn't seem to work, or do anything at all, for that matter. I'm kind
of stymied. I've heard this from other people as well; trac is just
baffling and weird. I think I've read that track is supposed to "adapt
to YOUR workflow, and work the way YOU want it to", but it seems to me
that it has no workflow at all.

For example, my boss recently asked me what changes were going to be
moved into the trunk since the last merge two weeks ago, and I thought
to myself, "Oh, I'll just do a search for all the bugs that I fixed in
the past two weeks," but, amazingly, I CAN'T DO THAT. Even using
"custom query" there is no field that allows you to query based on
time. And I certainly don't want to start writing SQL.

I read over the documentation, and it does a good job of explaining
WHAT things do, but I can't find anywhere that explains what it was
DESIGNED to do. How were tickets DESIGNED to be used, if they weren't
designed to be used based on date? To me, the date seems the most
obvious thing to track bugs by, other than perhaps by severity. The
date reported, the date fixed, the date released.

I'm wondering if it's a philosophical conflict. The people at my
company (myself included) like opinionated software. It's like iTunes.
Everybody hates iTunes because they can't manage their music in their
own unbelievably specific manner. However, if you use iTunes as it was
DESIGNED to be used, you will discover that it's an amazing, excellent
piece of software. I can't imagine managing my music any other way. It
just works so well. You just have to get by the fact that you have to
do things "the Apple way". Believe it or not, the Apple way is usually
pretty good.

I'm concerned that the trac way is... well, I don't think it even has
a way. Does it? I can go to the subversion documentation, or the git
documentation, and it will tell me EXACTLY how I'm supposed to manage
my source code, how my teams are supposed to work together, how
merging is supposed to work, what the workflow is, et cetera. There
are a couple of options of course, but at least they are well
documented options.

Anyway, sorry for the strange question. Can anybody explain to me how
a usual "trac workflow" is supposed to look? Or a good website that
goes over how people generally use trac?


Philip -- Local Press Releases.

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