I get the error: "Element QOBJECT.TRANSFER_COMPOSITEID is undefined in
ARGUMENTS" everytime I try to do a simple "getProduct()"

:::My Transfer.xml:::

<package name="product">
   <object name="product" table="_tbl_product">
      <id name="product_id" type="numeric" />
      <property name="name" type="string" column="name" />
      <property name="description" type="string" column="description"
nullable="true" />
      <property name="is_active" type="numeric" column="is_active"
nullable="false" />

      <manytomany name="Director" table="_tbl_product_director"
         <link to="product.product" column="fk_product"/>
         <link to="director.director" column="fk_director"/>
         <collection type="array">
            <order property="first_name" order="asc"/>

      <manytomany name="Performer" table="_tbl_product_performer">
         <link to="product.product" column="fk_product"/>
         <link to="performer.performer" column="fk_performer"/>
         <collection type="array">
            <order property="first_name" order="asc"/>

:::My Service Method:::
<cffunction name="getProduct" access="public" output="false"
   <cfargument name="product_id" type="string" required="true" />
   <cfreturn getTransfer().get("product.product",
arguments.product_id) />

Any ideas?? Thank you
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