
I was in the process of retrofitting Transfer ORM to a set of existing
tables. There was a onetomany link in the query and the system ran but
gave the following error.

SQLState:  42000
ErrorCode: 907
Position: 792
Error: ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding

SQLState:  42000
ErrorCode: 1790
Position: 270

I investigated this further and found it was a difference between
character and numeric data for the key.
(I know, I know, this was inherited software soo....)

I was able to 'fix' the query by adding to_char() to the key field in

I am going to migrate the data to 'all strings'. I do not know if this
was previously reported, I don't know if it is worth fixing, but I
just wanted to pass it along.

Thanks for providing the tool.

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