
I have an organisation object with two o2m relations person and
projects. In order to eliminate duplicates, I need to move the related
persons and projects from one organisation to another.

Is there an easy way to do this with transfer? I use two linking
tables org_person, and org_project to store the relation between them,
and also stores other information like the person's role (staff,
contact, administrator, etc...), or the initial and end date for the
relation. I'd like to move those relationships unchanged, just to move
them from organisation A to organisation B.

In SQL this would be trivial to do by just updating the organisation
FK from organisation A, to organisation B in the org_person table.

I'd like to avoid looping through the org_person structure to modify
each org_person.OrgId from one organisation to the other, as I'd need
to create the organisation objects.

Can this be achieved in one shot? Something like:

<cfset org1persons = org1.getPersonsStruct() />
<cfset org2persons = org2.getPersonsStruct() />
<cfset StructAppend(org1persons, org2persons, true) />
<cfset org1.setPersons(org1persons) />



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