Hello everyone :)

I have survived yet another prolonged wrestling session with OpenOffice.org translation files and the update process.

1. Using pot2po or pomigrate

(a) pot2po

I tried using pot2po to update from the new POTs, but it got stuck. No error message, nothing but the progress bar just sitting there, for ages. It got stuck updating the most recent file I'd completed, one of the Help files. When I eventually interrupted the process to get my shell back, I got the following traceback:
pot2po: warning: No template at None. Skipping helpcontent2/source/ text/shared/01.pot.
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/sw/bin/pot2po", line 26, in <module>
File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/translate/convert/ pot2po.py", line 189, in main
File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/translate/convert/ convert.py", line 131, in run
File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/translate/misc/ optrecurse.py", line 437, in recursiveprocess success = self.processfile(fileprocessor, options, fullinputpath, fulloutputpath, fulltemplatepath) File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/translate/misc/ optrecurse.py", line 490, in processfile if fileprocessor(inputfile, outputfile, templatefile, **passthroughoptions): File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/translate/convert/ pot2po.py", line 144, in convertpot
    fuzzycandidates = fuzzyfilematcher.matches(inputpotunit.source)
File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/translate/search/match.py", line 168, in matches similarity = self.comparer.similarity(text, cmpstring, min_similarity) File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/translate/search/ lshtein.py", line 44, in similarity
    similarity = self.similarity_real(a, b, stoppercentage)
File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/translate/search/ lshtein.py", line 108, in similarity_real
    dist = self.distance(a, b, stopvalue)
File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/translate/search/ lshtein.py", line 133, in python_distance
    insert = previous[j] + 1

The "No template at None" was a normal message, I assume, because it had reported one of those for each new (empty) POT file added in that milestone.

(I think I know, now, why they call these updates "milestones": they hang around your neck and drag you down! ;) )

/sw/lib is the Fink installation path. I have a lot of Python nowadays: the system Python, the Fink Python, the MacPorts Python, and any I've installed manually: four different paths of Python! (This creates a weird image of a lot of constrictor snakes strangling each other...)

Is python2.5 too new for the Toolkit?

Anyway, since pot2po wouldn't work:

(b) Using pomigrate2

I had to use pomigrate2. The update process ran perfectly (and quickly), no error messages, but stripped all the string headers out of 27 files. As before. So I had to run msgmerge over the whole tree anyway. <sigh>

BTW, neither po2po nor pomigrate2 actually creates new POT files in your output PO directory if these have been added to the POT tree.

If I hadn't noticed the po2po error messages, I could have run pocount over our current PO tree and gone on happily imagining we still had a 100% interface translation, when several hundred new strings had been added to the interface (let alone the big changes to the Help!).

Is there an option (although I think it should be default) to make sure any new POT files are copied over, and any now-obsolete PO files (unusual but possible) are removed?

2. XLIFF or PO at the moment?

We've translated over 25% of the Help, which is all the smaller files and a couple of the bigger ones, but the huge remaining files (each thousands of strings) are intimidating all of us. Although I still need to keep updating the main submitted file, I think it would be useful to upload everything back on Pootle again, so we can share the load more.

This means uploading our current OOG680_m2 PO tree, separating it into OpenOffice.org 2.4 Interface and OpenOffice.org 2.4 Help, and overwriting the current files (or deleting them), so the OOG680_m2 files are the only OpenOffice.org files in Vietnamese, **while retaining or migrating the current access permissions**.

Whom should I ask to do this?

Also, is this a good time to start working in XLIFF, or should we get this lot uploaded as PO and create/convert a XLIFF project later?

I need to get our files updated on Pootle in any case.

But I'm certainly keen to work on automating the OpenOffice.org procedures, and the XLIFF project, so just say when, where and how. :)

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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