Status of draft: Ready for publication, a few editorial nits 


Concerns:  None 


WG Request/Reminder:  We'll need to make sure these parameters update the
TRILL Yang data model. 


Editorial NITs:


1.       Section 2 Page 5, before first paragraph 

     The text would be clear if prior to the first paragraph beginning "lz
is reported", you add a section header with: "operations" as title. 


2.       Section 3 page 6 


Step 0, #2, b 


Old:/Repeat step 1/ to 

New: /Repeat/Do step 1/ 


I think the first time through, you have not gotten to Step 1:. 


If this is not true, then this becomes a concern rather than a nit. 


3.       Section 4, page 8, paragraph 0, sub-paragraph 2). Paragraph begins 


/2) when an Rbridge/


It may be nice to explain why only equal is treated. 


-          Less than Sz, it is not in campus 

-          Greater than Sz, some other trill Rbridge has limiting size

-          Only if equal to Sz, it is possible that it changes Sz. 


Sue Hares

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