Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000 Alpha Kickstart Files

2017-11-05 Thread pinmaritim
I agree with you (RHEL) CentOS have LTS support for 10 years (CentOS version 7 released in July 2014 will be supported till 2024).

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000 Alpha Kickstart Files

2017-11-05 Thread davesamcdxv
Personal opinion here but I'd totally rather see something RHEL-based than fedora-based (I mean, which is the testbed for which and which one's release gets supported for longer?)

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000 Alpha Kickstart Files

2017-11-05 Thread pinmaritim
The configuration of the live image is defined by a file called kickstart. It can include some basic system configuration items, the package manifest and a script to be run at the end of the build process. The first set of

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000 Alpha Kickstart Files

2017-11-04 Thread hd-scania
Will there be SuSE and urpmi editions, which dnf (from Fedora) is become unstable due to a weak connectivity?

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-21 Thread ka1cey
I have some experience with the Emacs mail/news reader, web client, Org Mode, and the Dismal spreadsheet, all with the accessibility thing called Emacspeak. I found the web client (emacs-w3) hard to use, and only useful on the simplest of web sites; not just referring to JScript, here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-21 Thread abhijithb21
Lets hope so :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-20 Thread tomlukeywood
so you just make a gnu/linux operating system automaticly boot to emacs everytime you start it up?

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-20 Thread ja-key
Not exactly, but I spend most of my tube time on it. For instance, there is a web browser, Usenet reader, mail client, IRC program, etc. with Emacs so it conceivably can be started at boot. M-x term brings up the shell, so..

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-19 Thread onpon4
Huh, that's interesting. I wonder what kind of distro it'll end up being.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-19 Thread abhijithb21
No freeme. GdNewHat people are working on an independent distribution. They have halted their devolopment of GdNewHat ans suggested BLAG repos as an alternative to their users. See the link to their new distro under development.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-19 Thread abhijithb21
I got it from the FSF mirror like Heather.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-19 Thread ja-key
It seems like he is building a cathedral. Why can't he release early? Although it is possible that is is just SO innovative that it needs to be unveiled when it's ready.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-19 Thread ja-key
I am excited about this. Of course, 20k will be old-ish, but if more users contribute, BLAG can release new versions very quickly because Fedora is 98% free.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-19 Thread ja-key
Is it OK to install on a computer, for web browsing? I have BLAG 14k on a laptop and was wondering if BLAG 20k alpha is in a usable state. My *real* laptop runs the *true* GNU operating system, Emacs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-19 Thread ja-key
There is a MATE version. I took the Live DVD for a spin, and it's great.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-17 Thread ka1cey
I was pleased to discover that the BLAG GNOME 20 live medium seems to have a complete GNOME 3.10, including orca screen reader. I haven't yet checked the Mate spin. My earlier test was on 14. 20 does not seem to see my Think Penguin USB wifi radio; that's for another topic or

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-17 Thread davesamcdxv
Parabola('s stable branch) seems to be more cutting than bleeding edge to me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-17 Thread LDrumbler
I can make some allowances for your machine. But they're not relevant in the face of what I see: the fallback error image, the *dreadful* font rendering, and SeaMonkey as a browser.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-17 Thread onpon4
So, if your car's engine doesn't work, that car is oppressing you? What if the car's engine dies? Or what if a program stops working because you upgraded a dependency? Is the car or program now suddenly oppressing you? I'm sorry, but your logic is insanely flawed. A tool being broken isn't

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-17 Thread LDrumbler
The first and most fundamental purpose of software is to run. A free program that does not do what the user wants is more restrictive than a proprietary program that does do what the user wants, because the first does not fulfill software's fundamental purpose, while the second does.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread tomlukeywood
is there a download? looks awesome! but i rely liked there old theme i wish they had uses mate or xfce insted of gnome3 :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread tesseract
Looks good!

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread legimet . calc
Doesn't SeaMonkey have the same trademark problem as Firefox? If so, it needs to be rebranded (Debian rebranded it as Iceape but later got rid of it)

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread mail
Nice to see it's still active! Blag 2000 comes with GNOME 3 (non-fallback) by default, right? That's nice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread davesamcdxv
It does (all the while being left in Parabola's dust, of course).

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread gramex
Where did you get this version of BLAG? The latest I see on the download page ( is 14.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread noordinaryspider
My Blag has MATE; i got it here: thanks to islander. It's not just you, Jaded. Bleeding edge software isn't a huge concern for me, but security updates are. It's still nice to see choices.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread ka1cey
I tried a BLAG GNOME live image, and found that it has no accessibility, thereby denying a class of users freedom #0, nevermind the other three.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread nospamhere
Praise be to Parabola, which allows you to tippy toe along the bleeding edge with a system that won't betray you. Now, as far as BLAG goes, is it true the Gdnewhat guys are now working on BLAG? Their website refers users to BLAG and Gdnewhat proved long ago they could get a fully free

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread marioxcc . MT
I'm glad to see that there's active development of fully free systems. Freedom 0 is “The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose” [1]. This doesn't mean that a neccesary condition or a program to be free is that everybody is able to do everything with a program; that's

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread shiretoko
I agree that it's not a freedom problem, but it *is* a problem and should be fixed with high priority.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread gramex
The FSF actually has an article specifically about this: