Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books? 2

2017-12-28 Thread masonhock
For buying a specific physical book, I will sometimes search for the book on  
Amazon through Tor without JavaScript, click on "Other Sellers," find the  
website for one of the other sellers, and buy it from them directly.

I like Powell's, but their search engine requires JavaScript, so I search  
their site via DuckDuckGo with '' 

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books? 2

2017-12-24 Thread funkymarxist
I use XDCC service on IRC to download ebooks. Also and

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books? 2

2017-12-24 Thread nuevodesorden

hahahaha damn i should know by now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books? 2

2017-12-23 Thread wdhgtx

Are you serious?
That's fun, maybe I will do that when I become a homeless guy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books? 2

2017-12-23 Thread greatgnu
Ok, Ok, I will confess this time, there is absolutely no need for a third  
one, Alij.. I.. steal.. them, I enter the book shop and when the dude is  
distracted I just (randomly) grab a dozen and run like hell. There, I feel  
better now I have confessed. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-08-10 Thread pinmaritim

On the beach again :)
Library at the beach

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-08-10 Thread pinmaritim

On the road again :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-08-10 Thread nuevodesorden

Art Books!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-08-10 Thread nuevodesorden

Dictionary of Untranslatables:
A Philosophical Lexicon

I donwloaded interesting articles.

And also i just read about "vending library" :0

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-06-11 Thread nuevodesorden

Free ebooks sources (free amazons kindle ebooks)

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-06-03 Thread nuevodesorden

Another site to get free books (spanish only) 

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-06-03 Thread nuevodesorden

" I can sit in the sun or near a window and read."


Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-06-03 Thread J.B. Nicholson wrote:

I ussualy borrow from library's and buy second hand books

Chiefly borrowing from libraries & buying used books, much like you do. 
Judging by the turnover in used books in my town, I'd say there's no 
shortage of people who want books. Books offer no digital restrictions 
management, no tracking, excellent portability, and no need for electrical 
power or electronic devices. I can sit in the sun or near a window and read.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-06-02 Thread nuevodesorden

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-24 Thread nuevodesorden

United Nations Digital Library ;) (public domain)

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-22 Thread noordinaryspider
I think it's just temporary downtime; I got "Teaching in a Digital Age" by  
Tony Bates just fine last night. It looks good, but I haven't started reading  
it yet.

TFS, Alij.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-22 Thread lreyna

... from

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-22 Thread lreyna

Something is wrong with the website, books can not be downloaded...

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-22 Thread lreyna

Great website, I found interesting textbooks..

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-21 Thread nuevodesorden

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-14 Thread infinityfallen
DuckDuckGo- probably not the kind of thing you were asking for, but it does  
the job adequately. To search for a specific file type, use f: followed by  
the file extensions (e.g. f:pdf).

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-14 Thread vitacell

what is DDG?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-13 Thread nuevodesorden

DDG ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-13 Thread nuevodesorden :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-12 Thread mkl80
Very very good that one! Thanks 

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-12 Thread vitacell
Can someone recommend me the most powerful books search engine (pdf and  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-11 Thread calmstorm

I don't think the punishment fits the crime for a lot of things.

Nor should some things even be considered crime in the first place.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-11 Thread nuevodesorden
"On the other hand it's obvious that in remote areas of the world, where  
books are not available, Internet has permitted many to access information,  
and download pdf books otherwise impossible to grab & read."


Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-08 Thread noordinaryspider
I read my electronic books on laptop/tablet convertibles. If you can handle a  
slower processor, my X60T has a cute little page turn button like a  
bottom-of-the-line swindle that is more elegant than leaving my X200T partly  
open so I can reach the space bar to turn pages.

My other X60T rather abruptly had the cute little page turn button stop  
working and I haven't gotten around to troubleshooting it yet.

It takes a bit of getting used to but after awhile, the difference is  
analagous to old computer being like a quality hardback or large print  
edition to the swindle/crook being like a trade paperback, ie., romance novel  
or science fiction novel you would read once and then take back to the used  
bookstore to trade for a different easy, relaxing read from the dollar bin.

I'd much rather have physical books too, but a bigger hard drive is doable  
for us and a bigger house isn't. Mangy Dog, you don't have too many books in  
my eyes, but you may not have enough shelves or enough walls. ;)

I don't believe that education is something that should be bought and sold  
and quickly lose respect for authors whose actions don't match their words,  
i.e., Pat Farenga going after Arvind Gupta for sharing John Holt's writings  
makes me less inclined to respect Farenga's own writing rather than less  
inclined to share links to Gupta's work with low income USAmericans.

In case you don't know who any of those people are: I would not buy a book  
about non-mainstream educational choices for low income children written by  
an author who actively prevents that information from being accessible to  
those who would most benefit from it because the author looses so much  
credibility in my eyes that I would not trust the veracity of the  
information; does that make sense?

My philosophical beliefs affect my financial choices just as the opposing  
view would affect someone else's choices in the other direction.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-08 Thread jodiendo
sometimes I got no choice but to download the pdf version because the book is  
not available.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-08 Thread jodiendo

 For Listening music and record, there is a good tool that allows you to  
stream THE SOUNDWAVES and you could listen and copy the sound waves without  
repercussions that will be using audacity, then you could format and copy  
separately into your hard-drive, the way you want.

 For VIDEO and sound recording to your desktop, I use the plugins for  
Audacity. Basically you are streaming a Movie or a sound track from youtube  
and you want to recorded then I use again Audacity. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-08 Thread nuevodesorden

I agree with you. But lets DEBATE start again.


Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-08 Thread nuevodesorden
Well i found some comics there, interesting site. i also register in the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-07 Thread jadedml
For reading, I mainly use my old Nook SimpleTouch with Android 2.2  
installed-- old versions of everything from F-Droid to PageTurner run just  
If a book I want isn't available on Gutenberg or gratis online, I'll download  
it from TPB. I try to donate to the author if I like the book. A lot of  
authors don't have PayPal/Patreon/anything like that, though. :/

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-07 Thread greatgnu

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-06 Thread lreyna is a controversial but very useful project for the  
academic and scientific communities. With the DOI or url of the paper or book  
chapter, you can obtain the pdf without paying.


Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-05 Thread noordinaryspider
That's about what I do, also garage sales and thrift stores, especially for  
children's books, and Library Genesis and bookzz dot org. for electronic  

TPB sometimes has books too.

Don't forget that authors need to eat too. They don't get any royalties from  
library books or used books so those aren't any different to them than  
torrenting. John Taylor Gatto's medical fund is kind of hard to find now, but  
let me know if you need me to find it for you because he's always looked the  
other way when people who can't afford his books share them and I'm glad he  
got my money instead of the puppetmasters of the world's second oldest  
profession, the publishing industry. /vent

I don't have too many paper books, but I do need more bookshelves and a  
bigger house. ;)

Just like Pentiums when XP hit EOL, some useds throw away perfectly good  
paper books when they buy their swindles and crooks if you're not above  
dumpster diving. I've had some amazing finds that way.

If you've got older kids or are self-educating, you can sometimes find  
freebies in a box behind the campus bookstore at the end of the semester.  
When I had an undergrad, the edition of her text that was used in the  
classroom would be $50-$100 and the next edition down would be $.99-$3.99.

I'd grab the next edition down for her high school aged brother and me. If it  
was a semester course she was taking, the teen and I could usually stretch  
the next edition down to last a full year with rabbit trails through  
reference books and the internet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books?

2017-05-05 Thread nuevodesorden
