Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre LISP interpreters?

2016-12-01 Thread mkl80
well I open to suggestions. I am (trying) to study the sicp pdf and it's  
about scheme not commonLisp. I found guile but, I don't know why , I  
uninstalled it. I think I use mit-scheme ( I manage to finally install the  
9.2 version) because I found also good documentation about it.
But please suggest me another, I will start to study scheme by this book: So what do you suggest? I f I like  
I'll certainly follow the advise.

many thanks

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre LISP interpreters?

2016-12-01 Thread taknamay
Any particular reason you chose MIT Scheme? (it's a fine Scheme -- just not  
too popular.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre LISP interpreters?

2016-11-28 Thread mkl80
I am also studying lisp for myself but using mit-scheme 9.1.1. I tried  
yesterday to install 9.2 but didn't manage to do so. gave me an error when I  
do the make step. maybe it was because I had 9.1 installed, I will try right  
away I and hope I'll manage it. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre LISP interpreters?

2016-11-28 Thread greatgnu
Add/Remove is extremely buggy (at least it was for me). Use synaptic or  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre LISP interpreters?

2016-11-28 Thread trevormetivier

Thank you, Magic Banana!  That did it.

I don't understand something...  I was searching under add/remove programs  
and not the synaptic package manager.  What is the difference between these  
two programs?  Why do they offer differing software?  I had assumed any  
available software would be accessible from the add/remove programs app.   
Thank you.