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Hi Randy,                              April 14/'11
                                                                     * WOOOOOW
Oh, Gawd, this is the best email I've read in months from anyone !!  I'm
going to go to Kinko's and print this off.  I should frame it on my wall !
This is so motivating, and is triggering a whole bunch of questions that
will be coming to you over the days.  I hope that you will decide to keep
your body around long enough to at least see a few of us get to where you
are at;  remember what LRH said about turning over your hat before leaving
'post', per the Power Change formula.   I say that demurely and hopefully.

Thank you so very, very much !
Aarre Peltomaa
(647) 202-7267

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Slim <slimspersonalem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> I feel warm in the sun  , and RI is something i do all day off and on .
> Start and finish lev five with it . Rarely the same way twice. Not being
> employed or in need of money , i have all day, every day to use TROM.
> Running RI had become as strong a feeling as a herion addict might have
> after shooting up. But in a good way. The change is very noticeable and very
> welcome.
> Its exactly how Dennis says it would be and then some. Time breaking,
> material to time break , RI, putting up postulates and time breaking what
> ever shows up.
> Its exactly as stated in the games manual.
> Whats not stated are his ability gained or EP other than nirvana.
> I gauge each session by how i feel after the session and RI are done for
> the day.
> I can definitively notice the relation of time breaking and RI. The more
> the significant the material i time break on lev five, the more RI will run
> and be effective. A strong session will end off with lots of RI and finally
> end in a strong state of exteriorization. In other words , totally blown
> away for days in every way. A persistent dial wide FN , if used a meter.
> Discovering new abilities and almost non stop cognitions that leave me in
> stunning amazement .
> This is whats not in the manual and its what TROM is all about.  To be
> honest with everyone here, I decided to put it down for a while and let
> myself settle into  my new reality of life. I was cognitioning so often and
> my realty was changing from one week to the next so profoundly , i lost
> touch with reality in general.
> I'm just now going to restart lev five and i know its gonna be huge again.
> Its gone from finding TROM to not confronting or using lev two , to
> finishing lev three and searching everywhere for material to t-break, to
> overdoseing on lev four and finally cruising into level five as if I'm
> heading into a UFC fighting cage against the hardcore of the mind.
> There's nothing in life id rather be doing than lev five. Nothing more
> rewarding either. Ive returned to being a spiritual being again,
> transcending all the space and time of this universe as a spiritual body
> like most people consider themselves a human physical body .
> No worries about losing the body i have either. Looking forward to it some
> day :  )
> On Apr 13, 2011, at 12:48 PM, Colleen Peltomaa <cygnifi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > *************
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> > ************
> > @ Ant, yes I discovered that co-auditing the CCHs is a cool way to renew
> affinities between a couple  :-)
> >
> > @Slim, when you where in the center of the sun did it feel cool or hot?
>  I got a feeling that it was not hot at all, just my perceptics.
> >
> > RE what you stated about RI is basically what I do sometimes too -- I get
> creative without really having to try -- it just flows mostly,
> > and is very enjoyable.  I also started using RI on my daily "TO DO's"
> list in that whatever I write down as "important" I create it as a
> > positive importance 360 around.  It seems to help me not make my daily
> tasks too important that I might forget the "rules of behavior"
> > towards other beings.
> >
> > best,
> > Colleen
> >
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