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Hi Randy,                 Oct. 29/'11                Aarre

It's a battle to catch up with the emails.  Sorry for the tardiness.  The
thetan can never be in the physical universe, but only his creations can.
His creations include the mind, body, brain, physical matter, etc.    It
seems to me that the thetan creates his mind out of postulates, and
everything else out of postulates.  It would seem that, because the
physical universe is 'generated with TIPM' out of a thetan's opposing
postulates within the thetan's mind, voila!  The physical universe is
within the thetan's mind as a construct, and nowhere else.  The mind is
senior to the physical universe in other words.  The thetan is a static who
isn't located anywhere.  It seems the thetan mocks up being overwhelmed
because of his reactions to his postulates.  No?   He creates the
'Frankenstein's monster', and then decides to be freaked out when he sees
it.  No?  It seems he must know and be known,  even to himself (flow 0).
If by corrolary, the mind is senior to the physical universe, then it would
seem that the mind, like the thetan that created it wouldn't be located
anywhere.   Energies  'from' the mind are obviously located in the physical
universe, but that doesn't mean that the mind itself is.  Perhaps there are
two basic categories of mind, the postulates which aren't in the physical
universe, and the 'energies, pictures, masses, noise, etc.', which is
located in the physical universe.

Food for thought.

p.s. - the thetan's viewpoint goes exterior to the body, never the thetan
'himself'.  The thetan can never 'go' anywhere, and never has.   Your
viewpoint travels around,  not you !  You create a viewpoint to go
travelling around and having adventures.  You are entertained by it.

I'd love comment on this.

Your friend,
Aarre Peltomaa
(647) 202-7267

On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 12:49 AM, Slim . <slimspersonalem...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Perfect agreement is just a complimentary postulate
> If a thetan can not be overwhelmed unless he's in the mest universe and
> yet the thetan is not in the mest universe. How is the thetan
> overwhelmed ever ?
> If the mind has no location , where is it?
> If there is a present time universe there must be a past time universe..
> Where is it?
> Sent from my Windows Phone From: Aarre Peltomaa
> Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 7:07 PM
> To: The Resolution of Mind list
> Subject: Re: [TROM1] interesting fun piece on EXTERIOR
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