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Hi Will,
I think that this is excellent,  as long as we know that this is for
new people to get started.
This is sorely needed;  there should be a stipulation at the end of
the book that the reader should read the source reference when they
are bolstered enough to do so.  Perhaps for that reason,  you should
make this just for Level 1 - 3 ?  I'm sure at the end of level 3,
they would be strong enough to read the original from Dennis,  and
also listen to the lectures.   Also,  I advise that a note be put into
the front of the book, as are in all Scientology books,  to look up
the meanings of any words that are not understood,  in a good
dictionary, or glossary.  I did the Student Hat (studenting and
literacy training course) twice (2 editions of it),  and I'm very
certain that this is a keynote of fluency, and especially of the
ability to apply the materials.
Any input about this from the group ?

Thanks,  Aarre Peltomaa
(647) 202-7267
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 2:06 PM, TJ Roberts <masterpuaco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Hi everyone.
> My name is Will, and I have actually been around TROM for a while - just 
> didn't register for the list until recently, and always observed the list and 
> didn't add anything to it....didn't feel I had anything to add.
> What I did realise a long time ago, though, was the power of this tech. I 
> have been systematically going through it exactly as Dennis described in the 
> manual; to the extent that I haven't used any amendments that people have 
> added in; I tried them (for example, expanded level 4 lists), but didn't get 
> anything nearly as powerful as from the material as described.
> I have had some major wins on the levels, and am chipping away at level 5.
> I know that people have been determined, rightly, for this tech to be 
> presented in a public-friendly way, as, frankly, everyone needs this tech. If 
> people only had levels 1-3 available and completely understandable, you would 
> have people essentially functioning as clears!
> So, I have it (almost) completed; a completely re-written TROM manual for 
> your 'average joe'. I've given it to several friends to try out and they are 
> loving it.
> I've even paid for, and am currently drilling, TRs and Objectives (much as 
> CoS freaks me out) to fully understand level 1.
> I haven't finished the level 5 write-up as I'm not far enough in to write it 
> from a place of KNOWING.
> The reason for this is that I started working a while ago on a book of 
> everything I know about productivity and action and applicable tech that can 
> help people actually get things done. But I realised that the TROM tech would 
> have to be included simply because the past plays such a huge role in 
> limiting the present. Whether I would include the whole thing or (at first) 
> just up to level 3 to start to lessen the past's influence, I don't know yet.
> Of course, what I have written will be made freely available to the TROM list 
> as I know you guys want it. The info that I put in the book is something I 
> would market and sell, just because there is so much other stuff in it.
> You guys get my re-write of TROM for free (as soon as I finish it up) to give 
> to everyone you know, and if you have any suggestions, please let me know. I 
> want to make this more accessible and more available.
> Just a heads up. I will post the new book to the list as soon as I get it 
> available.
> Just wanted to introduce myself and give you all some notice; hope it 
> brightens someone's day!
> I've been working on it as diligently as I can; I don't know any simpler way 
> I could present it, but that's for you experts to decide.
> Take care,
> Will
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