The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Greetings. This write-up is from Karalee.

My twin went anaten today while doing RI.

We were prepping for timebreaking, doing RI of objects in our respective
rooms (we work over Skype) and we decided to do it a bit differently and
create simple things like a dot, then dots, then a line, then lines. At
first my twin protested that we should be RI'ing things that have lots of
mass (and complexity), and we decided to instead play with this and see
what happened.

First we started with primary colors all around us 360 degrees, then we
each created a dot, then dots ....

My twin mentioned this breaking through circuitry re creating, doing RI.
Then he said the room was starting to shift. Then he warned he was feeling

Then the next thing I heard (over Skype) was snoring, lol! He explained
later that was his body snoring, and he was still actively "playing" with
the lines he had created. We will do more of this style of RI in our next
session ... "until no more change".

Dot to dots ... is that how it all started?

Happy adventures, trommers

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