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As i continue to do level 3 of TROM and begin to verge into level 5 material i 
am finding i am struggling with the fixed idea that there is Government which 
is legal, good, rightful, elected by the people, "of the people, for the 
people, by the people" etc. and that any one else trying to do government like 
things is a gang, criminal, terrorist etc.

So the fixed idea on bonding that "if government then good" which was drummed 
into me most of my life was that the government of my country, state, county, 
and city were good guys.

This is of course not true. 

Evil is forcing on others what they do not want or taking from others what they 
are unwilling to give and government is always doing both these things and 
claiming it is for the greater good or that the needs of the many outweigh the 
needs of the few.

The reality is that government is doing what is profitable for government or 
for the special interests that pay money to the politicians.

In order to break this fixed idea that legitimate government is the good guys i 
have begun putting their employees and actions into the category of "gangs." 
This is per Dennis's technique in 04 Bond Breaking.

" Here it goes. “A bonding is broken and its bonding postulate erased by 
putting members into the common class that the bonding postulate renders 
null.”" Dennis Stephens from the book 04 Bond Breaking.
So if the government is good and the gangs are bad then reverse the roles. 
gangs are good and governments are bad. Now put all government actions into the 
category of gangland actions and all gangland, terrorist, ISIS actions into the 
category of good government action. 

Last year in California the state passed a law that said the government fire 
protection service called CalFire could assess a tax on land owners for fire 
protection service.  No option was given to opt in or out and this disregards 
whether there is a local fire station already serving the property or not.  I 
view this as a gangland extortion of protection money from me.

As i now read stories about anything to do with government or criminal gangs or 
police actions that harm citizens i put all these in the category of gang 
actions and timebreak them till the emotional charge dissipates.

It is important to reduce the charge to nil by the process, not to build it up 
and make it into a basis for Vengeance or resistance.

With the charge reduced i pay the CalFire bill and carry on with life.  By the 
way money is also a fixed idea that is best reduced to an unimportance. I can 
acquire it with a little work and pay my debts so i owe nothing which is the 
ideal state.

Keep on TROMing
Pete McLaughlin

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