These words have special meaning to me:       My Wisdom, my
Righteousness, my Sanctification, and my Redemption has a personality,
for He is all those things in me. It is not a question of my behavior, or
my conduct, or my feelings one way or the other - those things will come
into line soon enough - but it is all based upon this accomplished fact.
Christ is God's Gift. I repeat, we have much to praise God about!
Precisely what much of the discussion on TT is all about !! 
Most importantly , to me,  is the effect of this message.   It is God telling me that I need not pack my fense mending supplies.   I was about to a make a very wrong decision.    And when I say "...[this message shared by Terry] is God telling me .....,"   I do mean just that.   God has actually spoken -- just as He does to all who will hear.    When I read the words included above,  I "misread" the script and "heard" this message:   " widom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption has its own personality when attached to the believer,  its own _expression_ in the life of the believer."       My first thought at this revelation?   God is saying  "back off just a bit, there, Smithson."     Then , when I reviewed the post, I realized  it was actually making a very different point  -  yet that first impression continued in my mind..  
God can even work His will  in a mistaken reading of the text.  If that weren't true,  none of us would have any hope. 
Merry Christmas to you all and regards from me to each on this forum as you express your beliefs in your given ministries in the name of the Lord.   
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Let's all try to be big on the Ho Ho Hos today, and try to avoid the
> Humbugs.. He will know we are His if we have love for one another.
> Blessings,
> Terry
> -
> I N F I N I T E S U P P L Y
> Saturday, December 24, 2005
> -------------
> Hi Friend,
> Today's meditation is taken from:
> by Chip Brogden
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> "It is of God that you are in Christ Jesus, Whom God has made to us wisdom,
> and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption" (I Corinthians 1:30).
> Have you ever seen a brother or a sister t ry to act sanctified? They wear
> themselves and everyone else out. It is a burden to be around such a person.
> That is not Christianity. Christianity is this: not that I am trying to be
> wise, but that I receive the Lord Jesus as my Wisdom; not that I am trying
> to be righteous, but that I receive the Lord Jesus as my Righteousness; not
> that I am trying to be sanctified, but that I receive the Lord Jesus as my
> Sanctification; not that I am trying to be redeemed, but that I accept the
> Lord Jesus as my Redemption. Henceforth I cease trying to be anything, and
> I allow Him to be Who He is through me.
> We must be clear: these things are not the "reward" for years of faithful
> service, or the fruit of walking with Jesus after a long period of time.
> If I have Him now, then I have all that pertains to Him now. My Wisdom, my
> Righteousness, my Sanctification, and my Redemption has a personality,
> for He is all those things i n me. It is not a question of my behavior, or
> my conduct, or my feelings one way or the other - those things will come
> into line soon enough - but it is all based upon this accomplished fact.
> Christ is God's Gift. I repeat, we have much to praise God about!
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how
> you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)
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> who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
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