Anxious About Nothing
by Donna L. Watkins
"Do not be anxious about anything ... "  Philippians 4:6a
Our world has become an excellent place to fear all .... when God says,
"Fear Not!"  Advertising, media, news, and listening to other people's
fears have caused many Christians to join the world in its quest for
We've come to think we can control our daily lives and future by making
choices based on fear.  God tells us He will take care of us and that we
are to trust in Him.
"When I am afraid I will trust in You."  Psalm 56:3
I already know this writing is going to be a bit rough and tough, but
hang in there with me.  Together we may grab hold of something that will
bring us to a better place in Him.
When I approach an important event I begin to fear that I will miss some
great detail.  A few months back our son was coming to visit for four
days.  I had so many things I wanted to do during that time, such as
specific foods to make, places to see, music for him to hear, topics to
discuss, etc.  I became anxious that it wouldn't go the way I'd planned,
so I made meticulous lists to make sure I had my desires all laid out.
I didn't count on a couple of rainy days.  
Isn't God good at showing us we can't control our own lives?  Why do we
keep trying when we know in our hearts and minds that He does a better
The visit was better than any plans I could have because it rained the
first day and I decided that I wanted the time to go God's way.  He had
better things than I could ever think of for my list.  Those were the
important things of the visit.  I might have missed them in trying to
keep to my "schedule" of how life should be for those four days.  I
certainly would have missed a lot of joy and peace while I stressed over
making the list happen.
Consider these words from Hanna Whitall Smith:
"Nothing so greatly hinders the work of God's unseen spiritual forces,
upon which our success in everything truly depends, as the spirit of
unrest and anxiety."
Please read that again!
A great believer once said, "All things come to him who knows how to
trust and to be silent."  This is so true!  Our anxiety creates an energy
that 'pushes away' the great things in our lives that could happen.  It
also pushes away people.  Peace attracts, but anxiety repels.
We are so caught up in striving and worrying that we don't see the better
things happening.  God promises to make all things good for us if we love
Him.  Loving Him is obeying Him.  He would rather have obedience than
sacrifice.  (I Samuel 15:22)
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."  Philippians
Present them!  Give them to Him!
Did you notice what you need to do before that?  It says in EVERYTHING
... and it says WITH THANKSGIVING!
Do we thank Him for everything?  I Thessalonians 5:18 says, "In every
thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning
We have become too controlling and self-centered in the way we deal with
life.  We think we can handle it and that we deserve better.  All the
time we are getting the best!  Trials and tribulations are for our good
and if we approach them that way, and thank God IN them ("in every thing
give thanks"), not FOR them, we can rest assured God will use them for
our good.
In the worst of circumstances, if you will get still and ask God to show
you, you will be able to list good things already happening from the bad.
People purchase all kinds of things to find peace.  More clothes, more
cars, more furniture and decor items, more food, more security.  People
buy cell phones for themselves and children solely based on fear.  Home
security systems are installed.  Antibacterial soaps are used.  Chemical
cleaners promising to kill germs on contact are sprayed without thought
of what the chemicals are doing not only to us, but to our children and
Insomnia is a major problem.  Why do we continue to think that if we
worry long enough over something that it will make it better?  The Bible
says that we must "trust in Him" to have peace.  Trusting in ourselves is
what produces the anxiety and worry.
We are a nation of debtors which causes much of the anxiety and insomnia,
with people "having to buy" many things that are considered needs when
they have only been pushed upon us by media and fear.  Is it working?  We
are busily trying to eliminate God from the equation and nothing is
getting better.  The promises of the advertising are not coming to pass.
God is being pushed further and further away.
It's all about trust and belief.  Do we believe God loves us and has the
best for us?  The best is not the picture we would paint for ourselves. 
We would not have thought that the best for Jesus was the cross.  
The strongest trees are those growing on the side of a mountain daily
struggling with the heat and winds and cold of exposure.
We have a purpose on earth before we get to live bliss in Heaven and it's
not to have everything go according to our own mental lists.  Read this
Scripture again and what follows it.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."  Philippians
Philippians 4:7 gives you the results from obeying the previous verse: 
"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard
your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
Wow!  What a purchase we can buy with obedience.
God even gives us directions on how to make this happen in verse 8. 
Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent,
praiseworthy ..... think on these things.
We have to change our thoughts.  What do you think about all day and all
night?  Thoughts have power.  If you wonder why things are happening in
your life, take a look at what thoughts you are having.
Seeds produce a harvest.  What kinds of seeds are you sowing?  
Thoughts, words and deeds are seeds!  You will harvest what you sow.  If
you continually worry and think fearful thoughts, you will harvest
trouble and fear.  
Make the switch.  Renew your mind.  Take every thought captive to the
obedience of Christ.  Take control of your mind.  Think on whatever is
true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.
Write them on index cards and carry them with you and place them around
the house.  We can do it!  We can be obedient to Christ and sow good
seeds for a good harvest.  
Peace and Joy!  I'm working on it with you.  Let's bring honor and glory
to our Father.  Let me know you are going to take back the ground given
to the enemy in your thought life.  Together we are strong.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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