Blainerb:   Lance, haven't you learned yet that if it is advocated by myself or DaveH, it is automatically either denigrated or in some way discredited.  :>)  You are right, this topic should have been left alone and chalked up to being just another Christian interpretation of some Biblical passages dealing with events leading up to the crucifixion--but since it was "Mormon," it had to be discounted and put down, lest anyone believe--the last thing the anti's want, and the one thing they are most fearful of happening. 
In a message dated 12/21/2005 5:13:11 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Blainer:I'VE NO IDEA WHAT THE ANTI'S CONSIDER IMPORTANT!! IFO would prefer to keep the conversation between the MC and myself on WHO IS JESUS!  IMO, signs/symbols/practices, though not without significance, lead us on a rabbit trail of little import.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: December 20, 2005 19:39
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] sweat

Blainerb:  Apparently I am not the first to wonder if the loss of blood at Gethsemane was considerable.  See below:
In a message dated 12/19/2005 8:53:15 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Although some authors have suggested that hematidrosis produced hypovolemia, we agree with Bucklin5 that Jesus actual blood loss probably was minimal.
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Definition of Hypovolemia

Hypovolemia: An abnormal decrease in blood volume or, strictly speaking, an abnormal decrease in the volume of blood plasma. From hypo- + volume + emia


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