Good Morning Blaine,
Glad to see you are still around.. you write:
LOL  Very good point, Izzy.  But this is the problem with most traditional Christian theology, not just Judy's,
isn't? Kevin's theology and that of most street preachers seems to be similar?  Correct me, Judy, Kevin, if I am
wrong on this. BlaineRB
jt: Actually my belief is that the statement below is eternal truth.  Yes Jesus died to free us from sin but it
is impossible for him to free us from something we are unwilling to part company with. He left us power,
spiritual giftings, and the Comforter to lead us into all truth.  It is up to us now to work out our own salvation
(with fear and trembling). IMO - claiming it's all been accomplished already like Bill and John is "huge denial"  
I'll let Kevin and Izzy speak for themselves.  judyt  Note: my theology apparently is not traditional :)
  The soul that sinneth, it shall die  --   is not a true statement for those who are in Christ.  
JD, then by your theology there will be very few in hell, and most everyone in heaven—correct? Izzy

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