Hello all,

Our next meeting will be tonight, (Wednesday) at 6:30 in VH1232.  Peter 
and Bill are working on the Linux security talk and hope to have it 
in time for this meeting.  Don will also be giving an introduction to 
gpg, so come and enjoy the paranoia.  I know I will.  I'll also be 
mentioning the details for the InstallFest, so don't miss the meeting!

Speaking of the InstallFest, it will be this Saturday from 12 noon 
until we get done - hopefully by 7ish.  You don't have to be there the 
whole time, and if you partition/format your box (please!) beforehand, 
the install will probably be done before dinnertime.  In preparing your 
box for the install, you should backup any important data and have an 
empty partition into which we can install Linux.  Also, bring all of 
the hardware you normally run with, including monitor, mouse, keyboard, 
etc.  It makes things easier.

We're working on getting an InstallFest web page put together; until 
then, I'm mirroring an old page from another LUG at 
http://www2.truman.edu/~c2467/installfest_mirror.html in case you're 
getting antsy.  Some of the details don't apply for TSLUG, but it's got 
a lot of good info.

Watch http://tslug.truman.edu/ for a link to the TSLUG version of the 
InstallFest page coming soon (I feel like a commercial).

Be thinking about T-shirt ideas, and whether we want them or not.  
Failing that, it might be cool/fun/dorkish to get some other 
small/cheap product customized for us like ... bumper stickers or mugs 
or ... vitamins (wouldn't you love to chomp on little Tuxes?  Besides, 
geeks need dietary supplements) or something.


PS - I thought I sent this on Monday, but it never showed up in my 
inbox.  Sorry it's so late.

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