Evidently there are still seats open for a trip this weekend to Kansas 
City to visit American Century and UMB Bank and talk to Truman 
graduates about interesting ways they're using their Math and CS 
degrees.  Conveniently, the trip starts on Sunday, so you can do this 
And the InstallFest (as I plan to).  Inconveniently, return is 
scheduled for 10pm on Monday, but then, you don't really like those 
Monday classes anyway.

Below I've attached forwarded details.  For what it's worth, don't 
worry too much about the SMaCS/TWICS preference.  I'm in neither.  :-D


Jason Miller wrote:

>> From: Jason Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: February 11, 2004 4:51:15 PM CST
>> Subject: TWICS-SMaCS trip to Kansas City
>> Dear TWICS or SMaCS Student,
>> This is an announcement for a spring field trip to Kansas City. The
>> trip will take place 22 - 23 February, 2004.  We will visit American
>> Century (http://www.americancentury.com) and UMB Bank
>> (http://www.umbbank.com).  There will be an emphasis on this trip on
>> meeting Truman graduates.  The trip is intended for students who are
>> preparing for a career that benefits from a background in mathematics
>> or computer science.  We are ready to accept applications from
>> students who want to participate.  From the list of applicants we will
>> accept approximately twelve students.  Priority will be given to those
>> who:
>> - currently have freshman or senior standing,
>> - are members of the SMaCS program or the TWICS student organization.
>> Other students will be accepted if there are still seats
>> available.  Although we are still working on the details of the trip,
>> the basic plan is as follows:
>>  9 Feb, 12:00 pm: Meet at Violette Hall west lobby. Drive to Kansas
>>                   City in a University bus, check into hotel, drive to
>>                   restaurant for dinner and a group meeting, and
>>                   return to the hotel.
>> 10 Feb, 8:30 am:  Depart hotel for AC campus.  Tour facilities, hear
>>                   presentations, talk to various employees including
>>                   Truman alumnae.  Job shadow.
>>                   Lunch.
>>        afternoon: Drive to UMB Bank for a similar tour and meeting.
>>         evening:  Drive to Columbia for group debriefing and
>>                   dinner. Return to Kirksville by 10:00 pm.
>> The cost per student is not yet fixed but will be approximately
>> $38.  This will include transportation, hotel, presentations, and most
>> meals.  This trip is partially funded by generous contributions from
>> The Boeing Company, the National Science Foundation, and the Truman
>> State University Mathematics and Computer Science Division.  Please
>> contact me or Dr. Jason Miller if you wish to participate but need
>> help with this cost.
>> Students chosen to go on the trip will miss Monday classes on the
>> 23rd.  To help you get permission to miss Monday's classes, Jason and I
>> will prepare a letter to your professors explaining your absence.  The
>> responsibility for obtaining this permission and arranging to make up
>> any missed work is yours.
>> If you are chosen to participate, you must remain with the group for 
>> the
>> full duration of the trip.  You cannot join us partway into the trip or
>> leave during the trip.
>> For Sunday travel, dress is strictly casual.  For Monday, dress is
>> business casual: for men, slacks, button shirt, leather shoes, tie or
>> jacket or both. (A full suit is overdressed.)  For women, slacks or
>> skirt, blouse, jacket or sweater, or a business dress.  Athletic shoes
>> and T-shirts are prohibited on Monday.
>> To apply to participate in this trip, or for more information, send
>> email to Dr. Jon Beck at [EMAIL PROTECTED], indicating:
>> Your Name
>> Your Major
>> Your Class (e.g., Freshman)
>> Whether you are a member of TWICS or SMaCS (or both)
>> ================================================================
>> Jason E. Miller, Ph.D.
>> Associate Professor of Mathematics
>> Truman State University
>> Kirksville, MO
>> http://pyrite.truman.edu/millerj/
>> 660.785.7430
--- Begin Message ---
Hey SMaCS students,

So far, no SMaCS students have expressed interest in the trip this 
coming weekend.  Few mathematics or computer science majors get the 
opportunity to make a trip like this, so you should seriously consider 
participating.  You will get a chance to learn of unexpected ways you 
can use your degree after graduation, and you may also get a chance to 
talk to some Truman Math & CS alumni!

If you want to sign up for the trip, please send your name to Jon Beck 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  If the cost of the trip is prohibiting you from 
participating, talk to either Jon or I.  Don't let the minimal cost 
keep you from coming!


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jason Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: February 11, 2004 4:51:15 PM CST
> Subject: TWICS-SMaCS trip to Kansas City
> Dear TWICS or SMaCS Student,
> This is an announcement for a spring field trip to Kansas City. The
> trip will take place 22 - 23 February, 2004.  We will visit American
> Century (http://www.americancentury.com) and UMB Bank
> (http://www.umbbank.com).  There will be an emphasis on this trip on
> meeting Truman graduates.  The trip is intended for students who are
> preparing for a career that benefits from a background in mathematics
> or computer science.  We are ready to accept applications from
> students who want to participate.  From the list of applicants we will
> accept approximately twelve students.  Priority will be given to those
> who:
> - currently have freshman or senior standing,
> - are members of the SMaCS program or the TWICS student organization.
> Other students will be accepted if there are still seats
> available.  Although we are still working on the details of the trip,
> the basic plan is as follows:
>  9 Feb, 12:00 pm: Meet at Violette Hall west lobby. Drive to Kansas
>                   City in a University bus, check into hotel, drive to
>                   restaurant for dinner and a group meeting, and
>                   return to the hotel.
> 10 Feb, 8:30 am:  Depart hotel for AC campus.  Tour facilities, hear
>                   presentations, talk to various employees including
>                   Truman alumnae.  Job shadow.
>                   Lunch.
>        afternoon: Drive to UMB Bank for a similar tour and meeting.
>         evening:  Drive to Columbia for group debriefing and
>                   dinner. Return to Kirksville by 10:00 pm.
> The cost per student is not yet fixed but will be approximately
> $38.  This will include transportation, hotel, presentations, and most
> meals.  This trip is partially funded by generous contributions from
> The Boeing Company, the National Science Foundation, and the Truman
> State University Mathematics and Computer Science Division.  Please
> contact me or Dr. Jason Miller if you wish to participate but need
> help with this cost.
> Students chosen to go on the trip will miss Monday classes on the
> 23rd.  To help you get permission to miss Monday's classes, Jason and I
> will prepare a letter to your professors explaining your absence.  The
> responsibility for obtaining this permission and arranging to make up
> any missed work is yours.
> If you are chosen to participate, you must remain with the group for 
> the
> full duration of the trip.  You cannot join us partway into the trip or
> leave during the trip.
> For Sunday travel, dress is strictly casual.  For Monday, dress is
> business casual: for men, slacks, button shirt, leather shoes, tie or
> jacket or both. (A full suit is overdressed.)  For women, slacks or
> skirt, blouse, jacket or sweater, or a business dress.  Athletic shoes
> and T-shirts are prohibited on Monday.
> To apply to participate in this trip, or for more information, send
> email to Dr. Jon Beck at [EMAIL PROTECTED], indicating:
> Your Name
> Your Major
> Your Class (e.g., Freshman)
> Whether you are a member of TWICS or SMaCS (or both)
> ================================================================
> Jason E. Miller, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> Truman State University
> Kirksville, MO
> http://pyrite.truman.edu/millerj/
> 660.785.7430

Jason E. Miller, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Truman State University
Kirksville, MO

--- End Message ---

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