[tslug] meeting

2004-09-13 Thread Alexander Horn
All right then, I just got done reading 200 freaking pages of 
french...so it goes something like:
Voulez-vous rendez-vous a six heure et demi pour discuter un peu les 
affaires de FSCK et Linux...well or something like that. 


FSCK meeting

** if you wanna know what open source project are going on on-campus 
you should come (scholarship work) ...that animportant one I'll have 
the most info on right now.

** interested working off-campus with kids on linux some information on 
that too [if you think that's nothing for you because you are not 
"talented working with kids" -- rethink! After all, how many Dads are 
out there?]

** FSCK.config  # some stuff concerning FSCK for this semester

show up if you can.


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[tslug] Meeting 6:30pm VH1220.

2004-09-01 Thread Donald J Bindner
I arranged for VH1220 tonight at 6:30pm.  I know the notice is
short, but I think it would be good to meet.  Come if you can.



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[tslug] Meeting Tomorrow 2-24 VH1232

2004-03-23 Thread Ian Monroe
Wednesday 6:30 in VH1232 we will have a TSLUG meeting. Alex and I will 
be talking about the Ruby programming language. You can find info on it 
And an excellent online book about Ruby here:

Please bring any Linux questions you have as well.

Ian Monroe

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[tslug] Meeting tomorrow!

2004-02-10 Thread Nathaniel Green
Hello all!

There will be a meeting tomorrow at 6:30pm in VH1232.  This would be a
good meeting to attend to ask questions about the installfest, such as,
'What do I need to bring?' and 'Which distro should I install?' or
anything else you're curious about.


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[tslug] Meeting Tomorrow - woo!

2004-01-27 Thread Nathaniel Green
VH1232, 6:30pm. Topics to include Novell, Ximian, SUSE, RedHat, Gentoo, 
Debian, InstallFest, some other stuff, and Nate's Shocking (pun 
intended) Computing Trials and Tribulations - otherwise known as 
NSCTaT(tm).  Be there.


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[tslug] Meeting Wednesday!

2003-12-03 Thread Nathaniel Green
We will have a meeting tomorrow evening at 6:30 in VH1232.  The agenda:

Joseph Hainline will talk about "LaTeX to Braille Translation"
and Jeremiah J. Mitchell will talk about 'Rummilet: Multiplayer Java 
Game'.  These are Capstone presentations and should be worth the time.

Possibly, TSLUG will discuss dues ($15), next semester's events, and 
officer positions/elections.  If there is a ton of time, we could also 
talk about encryption.  Don & Ian both have talks pertinent to that subject.


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[tslug] Meeting tonight

2003-11-12 Thread Nathaniel Green

We'll be having a meeting tonight at 6:30 in VH1232, as usual.  We need 
to talk about dues, officers/elections, and something linux-y.  In a 
pinch, I could maybe, sorta talk about window managers.  It might also 
be nice to devote some time to (Red Hat) Fedora.


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[tslug] Meeting October 29: Linux Games

2003-10-27 Thread Ian Monroe
On Wednesday October 29th, 6:30pm in VH1232 we will have our TSLUG meeting. I 
plan on giving a presentation on Linux games. Basically, this means I bring 
my computer in and show you some of the options. 

These are the games I might demo:
*Neverwiner Nights (w/expansion)
*Unreal Tournament 2003 Demo
*Starfighter (yey! Amiga game developers make the best games.)
*Kiki the Nano Bot
*fortune (not really a game, but its funny and people should know about it)

Email me if you know of any other cool free-as-in-beer games.

And probably show off the huge list of games available easily for Gentoo 

And as usual, bring any Linux questions and SCO-bashing.

Ian Monroe

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[tslug] Meeting tomorrow!!

2003-10-14 Thread Nathaniel Green
There will be a meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) at our usual time & place 
(6:30pm in VH1232).

We should probably talk about the programming contest and get some kind 
of opinion ironed out.  I expect to have some installfest wrap up as 
well, especially if newly-installed people come with quasi-specific 

Maybe other important stuff will happen too,


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[tslug] Next TSLUG meeting

2003-10-05 Thread Nathaniel Green
I really did mean the 15th, which is Wednesday.  Like usual.


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[tslug] Meeting Thursday

2003-09-16 Thread Nathaniel Green


Don't forget that we have a meeting on Thursday at 6pm in VH1208.  We'll 
be focusing on the Stallman event and IEEE, but bring Linux questions 
(and answers) as well.


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[tslug] Meeting(s?) Next week

2003-09-10 Thread Nathaniel Green


Next week, the three 'computing' groups (ACM, TWICS, TSLUG) will be 
meeting at 6pm on Thursday the 18th in VH1208.  We will be talking about 
the workshops and Stallman's speech, as well as looking at starting a 
chapter of the IEEE here at Truman.  It'll be a great time to get 
questions of all kinds answered.

So, because of this, I would like to move our regular meeting to the 
Wednesday two weeks from now - September 24.  How's that strike you? 
 Talk to me if that's a horrible thing for you or if you have 
suggestions.  My plan for that meeting would be twofold - finish 
preparations for the workshops and Stallman, and have a "Linux on the 
Truman Network" kind of set up and configuration talk to include some or 
all of the following topics:
getting your computer recognized on the network, samba, ssh, vnc
If anyone would like to share a little bit of expertise email me to 
volunteer for one or more of the topics.

Also, I would like to have the installfest the weekend after Stallman, 
so either the 4th or the 5th of October (Saturday or Sunday) in the 
afternoon.  We could have it 1:30pm-6ish on Saturday, but it is Parents' 
(or Family or something) weekend so it would be better to have it on 
Sunday.  But, we can only have it 11am to 4pm on Sunday.  This assumes 
we really want it in VH1010, and we do.  Any votes?

Finally, a table has been reserved for the Fall Premiere, which is an 
event for prospective Truman students.  Now we need a couple people who 
will be willing to be in the Activities room from 9 to 10:30am.

So, assuming that people are ok with those meetings at those times and 
places, here is a list of events:
Sept 18 - Super Meeting, VH1208 at 6pm
Sept 20 - Fall Premiere, Activities room from 9 to 10:30am
Sept 24 - Regular TSLUG Meeting, VH1232 at 6:30pm
Sept 30 - Workshop 1, 6-8pm, maybe VH1232?  -  I'm not sure
Oct 1 - Workshop 2, same time/place
Oct 2 - Workshop 3
Oct 3 - Stallman, 4-7pm in VH1000
Oct 4 or 5 - Installfest in VH1010

Send me/the list thoughts,

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[tslug] Meeting Wednesday (tomorrow!)

2003-09-02 Thread Nathaniel Green


We're  meeting at 6:30 tomorrow (Wednesday) in VH1232.  Sorry for the 
short notice!  If the day/time doesn't work very well for you, email me 
and we'll try to work something out.  We'll be discussing

Now on to more exciting things.  Richard Stallman has agreed to come and 
speak here at Truman.  He will be here on Friday, October 3rd, and his 
main speech will be from 4-7pm, with a Q&A session afterwards.  It will 
be in VH 1000.  This is cool.  Our major involvement in this will be to 
help with the workshop session we'll be having after Stallman's speech. 
Once the subjects are decided on, we'll need volunteers to help present 
the material, as well as people who are interested in wandering the 
room(s) to provide assistance when people get stuck.

Also, we need to think about an installfest sometime.  Probably.  :)

Anyway, that's 6:30pm Wednesday in VH1232.  Be there.


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[tslug] Meeting on Wednesday

2003-03-03 Thread Nathaniel Green

Hello all!

We'll be meeting on Wednesday as usual, at 6:30 pm in VH1232.
It should be fun, because Frank Fleschner will bring his Powerbook and 
will show it off a little bit.  I'd also like to get a couple volunteers 
for our MOSIX project, as it looks like that's gonna be taking off 
pretty soon.  It might also be nice to talk about donating more 
minicd's, as the FreeCD seems to be very popular.

That's all I can think of,

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[tslug] Meeting & Projects

2003-02-21 Thread Nathaniel Green


Careful.  This is long.

At this week's meeting, the discussion was spirited and wide-ranging.  
Some of the action included Don's demo of Knoppix and preparation for 
the installfest.  Don't forget!  It really is this weekend at 1pm in 
VH1200!!  Bring your box, your monitor (if at all possible), a distro 
disc if you want (they will also be provided), and your power cables.  
Maybe your mouse & keyboard (makes life simpler).  Anyway, attend!!  :)

We now have two fairly large things we need to plan/talk about.  The 
first is our MOSIX cluster.  A cluster is cool because it lets you 
spread processing out over several computers (or, increase your total 
computing power by connecting multiple machines together, depending on 
how you choose to look at it).  A MOSIX cluster is especially cool 
because it automatically spreads your program's processes out over the 
machines in the cluster - you don't have to write special code into 
your programs.  Anyone who is interested should read up a little bit, 
and email me or the list saying they're interested.  If we can get 3-4 
people who want to commit some time to it, I think it'd be a great 

The other project we are involved in is the Linux Workshop Series.  
This thing is so new I may have just made up the name of it :)  Anyway, 
the other presidents and I met with Dr. Beck this afternoon.  He is 
fully behind the effort.  We decided to have what amounts to a 
division-wide test run this semester (in preparation for a well-funded, 
campus/town wide set of workshops next Fall), after Spring Break, on 
the 25, 26, and 27 of March.  Here's what we think might happen:

ACM meets on Tuesdays, in this case, that's the 25th.  During this time 
slot, all three organizations will sponsor an introductory workshop 
that deals with Linux and Free Software in a big-picture kind of way.  
TSLUG meets, as you all know, on Wednesdays.  That's the 26th for those 
of you following along at home.  Again, all three organizations will be 
sponsoring all the workshops.  On this Wednesday, we'd like to see a 
talk/introduction to the Linux user environment from a command prompt 
perspective (X will be left alone at least for a little while).  We may 
include permissions in here, we may not.  A lot of the down & dirty 
content depends on who we can get to present, and what you guys say - 
if you want something specific for any of the days, or have any 
suggestions about any of this event at all, pleasepleaseplease email 
them to me or the list and they will certainly be considered.  Anyway, 
Thursday is TWICS's usual meeting time; we will be using it for an 
introduction to text editors by creating a rudimentary web page.  It is 
likely that both major editors (vi & emacs) will be presented.  This is 
the culmination of the three days, with people actually walking through 
a baby project and using some of the things they've learned.  All these 
workshops would be interactive, with users following along on Xenon, 
Kronos, or their own machine.

Also both ACM and TWICS want an Installfest dedicated to this.  This 
semester, we'll wait and see how many people demand one after the 
workshops, but for next semester, it would probably be cool to kick 
things off with an installfest.

What do you think?  Seriously, if you think it's outrageous, either 
good or bad, email the list and express yourself.  We want input, and 
we definitely need to gauge the interest there is in this.  For what 
it's worth, I imagine that, over time, higher level topics will start 
to pop up in this format - if it lives through the next semester or 
two.  By the way, if anyone has insight about the application process 
FAC uses to distribute money for speakers/events, it'd be much 
appreciated if you'd tell me - at this point, the three organizations 
are considering a joint application to fund a Big set of workshops next 
semester, including a keynote speaker (finally :) ).

Yeah.  I'm still not done.  Does anyone have any favorite/awesome 
reference cards/tutorials that deal with the proposed topics?  That'd 
be nice.  Also, just so you can start planning to attend (!), we'll be 
having a meeting the week we come back from Spring Break to prepare for 
the workshop thingie.  Watch this space for more details. :)

So, I'm not sure that's all, but it's a lot (probly too much.  sorry).  
I think I'll leave you with that.  See you tomorrow!

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[tslug] Meeting Tomorrow

2003-02-18 Thread Nathaniel Green

So tomorrow's the installfest meeting.  I'm not sure exactly how 
everything will go down, but I think I'd basically like to begin with a 
discussion of what prospective installees need to do before the 
installfest.  I would also like to invite anyone with more general 
questions to come to the prep. meeting and ask them, and if one wanted, 
one could bring their box to the Installfest and let someone who knows 
what they're doing play a little and teach a little.

Also, I would like to get a bit of a preliminary head count for how 
many people will be there tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 6:30 in 
VH1232.  I'm planning on having food (food = pizza), so I'd like a 
rough estimate.

Thanks all!

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[tslug] Meeting room

2003-01-16 Thread Nathaniel Green

All - 

I got VH1232 for Wednesday and every other Wednesday thereafter.
Also, I'm still accepting nominations for people to talk about stuff :)


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[tslug] Meeting tomorrow?

2002-12-03 Thread Peter Snoblin
Do we have a meeting tomorrow? I apologize if this was addressed, but my email 
was acting up and it appears I missed a few messages.
Peter Snoblin - http://www2.truman.edu/~pas577/

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[tslug] Meeting Tomorrow!!

2002-11-12 Thread Nathaniel Green
Yep.  There'll be one.

If you guys/girls(?)/beings have any bright ideas for discussion be 
sure to bring them.


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[tslug] Meeting tomorrow!

2002-10-01 Thread Nathaniel Green

Hello all!

We'll be having our meeting at the usual time at the usual place (VH 
1232 at 6:30pm Wednesday).  We'll start the meeting off with discussion 
about shirts/mousepads/flying discs and what we want to 
do.  After that, I'd like to open the floor to discussion - primarily 
about linux, but if the discussion becomes, oh... I dunno, a rant about 
all those small/open/free software developers that are out there 
threatening the Redmond way of life, I don't suppose I'd stop it :)


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[tslug] Meeting & InstallFest

2002-09-18 Thread Nathaniel Green

Hello all,

Our next meeting will be tonight, (Wednesday) at 6:30 in VH1232.  Peter 
and Bill are working on the Linux security talk and hope to have it 
in time for this meeting.  Don will also be giving an introduction to 
gpg, so come and enjoy the paranoia.  I know I will.  I'll also be 
mentioning the details for the InstallFest, so don't miss the meeting!

Speaking of the InstallFest, it will be this Saturday from 12 noon 
until we get done - hopefully by 7ish.  You don't have to be there the 
whole time, and if you partition/format your box (please!) beforehand, 
the install will probably be done before dinnertime.  In preparing your 
box for the install, you should backup any important data and have an 
empty partition into which we can install Linux.  Also, bring all of 
the hardware you normally run with, including monitor, mouse, keyboard, 
etc.  It makes things easier.

We're working on getting an InstallFest web page put together; until 
then, I'm mirroring an old page from another LUG at 
http://www2.truman.edu/~c2467/installfest_mirror.html in case you're 
getting antsy.  Some of the details don't apply for TSLUG, but it's got 
a lot of good info.

Watch http://tslug.truman.edu/ for a link to the TSLUG version of the 
InstallFest page coming soon (I feel like a commercial).

Be thinking about T-shirt ideas, and whether we want them or not.  
Failing that, it might be cool/fun/dorkish to get some other 
small/cheap product customized for us like ... bumper stickers or mugs 
or ... vitamins (wouldn't you love to chomp on little Tuxes?  Besides, 
geeks need dietary supplements) or something.


PS - I thought I sent this on Monday, but it never showed up in my 
inbox.  Sorry it's so late.

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[tslug] meeting time

2002-08-28 Thread Nathaniel Green


It seems to me that a 7pm meeting time on Thursday evenings may cause 
inconveniences, if not true conflicts.  Would it help more than hurt to 
move it back a half, or even a whole hour?  A later time would be fine 
by me, but mine is only one voice.  What would be the most convenient 
for you?


[tslug] meeting time; also: Research Opportunity

2002-08-28 Thread Kenneth Carter

Nathaniel and tsluggers,

   Thanks for the information about possible day and time for tslug 
meetings.  I'm certainly interested, though I have a meeting already 
scheduled for Thursdays around 7 that would usually take priority because 
my role in that group (the outdoor club) is as an advisor rather than 
simply an interested member.  In any case, I appreciate being on the tslug 
list, and I look forward to opportunities to increase my conversance with 
Linux.  Please do inform me of the meeting time you choose!

On a related issue, I'm looking for one or two good programmers to join my 
research group, either for scholarship hours, as interested volunteers for 
the educational opportunity, or even possibly for some institutional 
pay.  My undergraduate research students and I are working with 
epidemiological modelling, and will soon reach the point where 
custom-written programs in a high-level language will be helpful.   C++, 
Ada, or even Pascal would do fine.  Experience with Linux would be a plus, 
as I favor the GNU GPL philosophy over that of Microsoft and would prefer 
to develop the code in the Linux environment.  The main requirements for a 
good match would be good programming skills, willingness to document and 
explain code, and an interest in helping other group members get up to 
speed.  Initial knowledge of the models themselves would not be required or 
expected--as mentor I would provide the requisite insights.  I find the 
students who are already on the research team a pleasure to work with, and 
there is opportunity to make a genuine contribution and program some 
seriously cool stochastic models.  Inquiries would be welcome!

Kenneth Carter

[tslug] meeting 4/3

2002-04-02 Thread a1422

Dear All,
  Just a reminder that we have a meeting on Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:30
in VH1232.  Don will be giving a demonstration/tutorial on using Vi, and
we'll spend the remaining time looking at some simple ways to make your
computer more secure.  Hope to see everybody there!


[tslug] meeting 5/6

2002-03-05 Thread a1422

  The next TSLUG meeting will be Wednesday, March 6th at 7:30pm in VH1232.
The focus of the meeting will be emulators for Linux.  Exactly which
emulators depends on which ones I can get working between now and then,
but I plan to demo Wine, Dosemu, the palm emulator, UAE (amiga emulator),
and maybe the NES emulator.  Ben will be presenting his capstone and Linux
DVD stuff the Wednesday following spring break, same time, same room.

TSLUG President

[tslug] meeting postponed

2002-01-30 Thread a1422

Hey All,
  The meeting we would be having tonight will be next wednesday, same
time, same place.  We will be electing a new treasurer, discussing T-shirt
options, speaker options, and then having a round table discussion about
the future of linux and some current events, such as IBM announcing their
new servers.

TSLUG President

[tslug] meeting 7:30 vh1232 11/15

2001-11-14 Thread a1422

  Our next meeting will be Thursday 11/15 in vh1232 at 7:30pm.  Dr. Beck
will be giving a presentation on LaTeX, and we will be discussing ways to
produce the funds necessary to bring in ESR.  Dues are also due: $10.  If
for some reason you don't have the money, or are first timers to tslug,
still come.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me.  Hope to
see you all there tomorrow night!

TSLUG President

[tslug] meeting 10/25

2001-10-24 Thread a1422

  Our next meeting will be in VH1232 on Thursday, Oct. 25th at 7:30pm.  We
will be going over some tslug business(do we want t-shirts/dues/fun
activities) followed by a presentation on music software available for
linux, both console and X based.  Hope to see you all there!


P.S.  If there is a piece of music software you use/think is particularly
cool, drop me a line.

[tslug] meeting next week

2001-10-16 Thread a1422

  There will not be a tslug meeting this week due to midterm break(and me
not finding a speaker/preparing a presentation).  There will be one next
week on Thursday, October 26th at 7:30 in VH1232.  Have a fun and safe
midterm break!

TSLUG President

P.S.  The webpage will be back up shortly.  Ben or Caleb, please post
something to the list announcing that.  Thanks.

[tslug] Meeting and Yearbook photo

2001-10-03 Thread a1422

  Just a reminder that our next meeting is thursday, Oct. 4th at 7:30pm in
Vh1232, and that our yearbook photo is at 8:20 in the SUB.  Don Bindner
will be presenting CVS at the meeting tomorrow, so it should be a good
one.  Hope everyone can be there!


[tslug] meeting change and yearbook pictures

2001-09-25 Thread a1422

  Our next meeting will take place at 7:30pm instead of 7:00 on October
4th, because our yearbook photo shoot is scheduled for 8:20 that same
evening.  This way, we can have our normal meeting, and then at 8:10 head
over to the SUB to get our picture taken.  Casual dress is just fine.
Don, if you think you'll need more time for your presentation, we can move
the meeting time back up to 7.


[tslug] meeting and more

2001-09-18 Thread a1422

  There is a meeting tomorrow at 6:30pm in VH1232.  The topic is the
Truman network, and will include some general information about what
machines do what on campus, as well as some more specific info on how to
setup samba so you can fully utilize your on-campus resources.
  Also, we will be planning our installfest/demo day.  The date I'm
looking at is  Saturday, September 29th.  It'll be in the SUB, probably
from 10 or 11 until 4.  I could really use some help advertising this, so
if a few people could volunteer to help with posters/chalking, that would
be good.
  That's all I've got right now.  Hope to see you all tomorrow!


[tslug] meeting reminder

2001-04-29 Thread tslug

  Just a reminder that our last tslug meeting of the year is
tomorrow(Monday) at 7:30pm in VH1220.  Rahul will be presenting his
capstone project, followed by the elections of next years executives.  We
will also be assisting with a few linux installs after the meeting.  Feel
free to stay and lend a hand.  A few people have already volunteered to
stay; thanks!  I will be available to give some minimal help and answer
questions; I'm still in the process of reconstructing a few final projects
I lost to a hard drive mishap:(

TSLUG President

[tslug] meeting 4/30

2001-04-23 Thread tslug

Dear all,
  Well, at long last we are having another tslug meeting.  It will be next
monday, at 7:30 in vh1220.  Rahul Joshi will be giving his capstone
presentation on his intership.  We will also be electing officers for next


[tslug] meeting

2001-04-01 Thread tslug

Hey All,
  We have a TSLUG meeting tomorrow at 7:30pm in VH1220, or whatever room
that is we've been having meetings in recently.  The topic will be KDE vs
GNOME; both will be demoed and discussed.


[tslug] tslug meeting 2/19/01

2001-02-16 Thread tslug

Hey All,
  We will be having a TSLUG meeting on Monday, February 19th in VH1220 at
7:30pm.  Eric and Ben will be doing a presentation on security.  I hope
everybody can make it!


[TSLUG] TSLUG meeting

2001-02-01 Thread a1422

  Our next TSLUG meeting will be this coming Monday, Feb 5th at 7:30pm in
room 1220.  Don Bindner will be presenting Postscript.  Everyone is
encouraged to come.


Re: [TSLUG] TSLUG meeting

2001-02-01 Thread Benjamin Story

Don't forget the webserver written in Postscript Don. :-)

On Thu, Feb 01, 2001 at 04:02:28PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> All,
>   Our next TSLUG meeting will be this coming Monday, Feb 5th at 7:30pm in
> room 1220.  Don Bindner will be presenting Postscript.  Everyone is
> encouraged to come.
> Tyler

Benjamin Story
Windows 95: n. a 32 bit patch to a 16 bit hack to an 8 bit operating system,
originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, by a 2 bit company
that can't stand 1 bit of competition.
Windows 98: n. see Windows 95
Windows ME: n. see Windows 95
Windows 2000: n. an attempt by a 2 bit company to put forth a stable version
 of a 32 bit patch to a 16 bit hack to an 8 bit operating
 system, originally coded for a 4 bit microporcessor.

[TSLUG] meeting

2001-01-28 Thread a1422

Hi All,
  The next TSLUG meeting will be the monday following this coming one, ie,
February 5th.  Normally, it would have been tomorrow, but I didn't get the
word out like I should have, so we'll be having it next week.  Don
Bindner, if he's still willing(sorry I didn't get on advertising sooner),
will be presenting Postscript.  If anyone would like to help me out, by
making and posting some posters for this meeting, please contact me.  My
schedule this semester is significantly busier, and I could use a little
bit of help.  Thanks.  My phone number is 785-5646; email is probably the
best way to get ahold of me, though.


P.S.  if you are receiving this email twice consistenly, let me know, and
I'll take you off my personal tslug list.

[TSLUG] meeting on monday

2001-01-12 Thread a1422

  We will be having a meeting this Monday at 7:30pm in VH1220.  Please
note the room change; VH1232 is being used by a class monday nights now.
Also note the time change; it sounded like a little bit later worked
better for people.  So, if I don't hear any complaints, we'll be having
meetings for the rest of the semester at 7:30pm on the 2nd and 4th Monday
each month.  I've been looking at Coda, and it seems pretty sweet, so I'll
try and have that up and running on a few of my boxen to show at the
meeting this coming Monday.

El Presidente de TSLUG

[TSLUG] TSLUG meeting

2001-01-11 Thread a1422

  Well, it's about time to start up TSLUG again for the semester.  I was
thinking about having our first meeting this coming monday.  I know it's
Martin Luther King day.  Is this going to be a problem for people?  I was
thinking about having the meeting a little bit later than normal, say 7:30
or 8:00pm.  Also, is monday still a good day to have meetings, or would
another day/time be better?  Let me know by email.  Thanks. 

  In our next meeting, I will be presenting NFS, and comparing its file
sharing capabilities to Samba.  If I get really ambitious, I may also
present Coda.  We'll see.


[TSLUG] TSLUG meeting

2000-12-02 Thread a1422

  We'll be having a meeting, well, more of a social gathering, this
Monday, Dec. 4th at 6:30pm in VH1224.  Note the change of location: this
is so we can have food.  Feel free to bring a treat to share and something
to drink.  Hope to see you there!
