I got really sick at PloneConf, and have not made much progress on the TG2
release this week so far, but I'm still planing to do a release as soon as
possible.   I'm feeling a bit better this evening than I have been so I'm
going to start prepping a release tonight and hopefully will be able to get
a new index up tomorrow for people to test.   If that goes well, the
official release will probably happen Friday.  Unless somebody changes my
mind between now and Friday morning I'm planning to call this next release
1.9.7b1, and we will not be adding new features to before the final 1.9.7
release, so I'll be moving 1.9.7 work into a branch.

I would very much like to expand on the new "full stack" tests that have
recently been added to the trunk, and most of my effort between now and the
beta release will be on increasing the number and quality of our tests.   If
you're interested in helping out on that front, just ping me, and I'll help
out as much as I can, but these tests should be a lot like writing TG2 apps,
so hopefully they should be easy enough to write.

--Mark Ramm

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