The TurboGears Development team is proud to announce TG2 Release
Candidate 1 just in time for pycon.

This is a huge milestone for us, and I'm personally very proud that
we've made it here. This is the culmination of a long, challenging,
and fun, process of re-creating TurboGears to solve many of the
problems of "next generation web frameworks" using a whole set of
amazing python  components that will be around and supported for
years.  With this release, I think we've proved that it's possible to
scale these next generation of webframeworks up to solve complex
enterprise problems with multiple legacy databases, and down to
creating rapid prototypes.

And 2.0 is going to provide a great platform for the future of the
TurboGears project. We've added major industrial strength features
like a scalable and easy to use session manager, a full transaction
management system, and much more -- all while reducing the total
number of lines of code in the project, and creating reusable
components that are now a shared part of the python WSGI Web

Thanks everybody who contributed! I'm also very happy to see that some
very good work is already going into creating add on components (like
a lightweight cms) for TG2 and work has already started on making this
even easier in tg To download 2.0 RC 1, simply follow the instructions

There are just two small bugfixes in RC1, but you're interested in the
details, take a look at the changelog:

Mark Ramm-Christensen
email: mark at compoundthinking dot com

Mark Ramm-Christensen
email: mark at compoundthinking dot com

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