Anybody up for taking the lead on putting together a distributed development
sprint this month?

In addition to a sprint, I'd like to propose an IRC meeting to talk about
how to get done what we want to do:

* transition plan
* Doc sprint
* 2.1 release planning
* etc

 I'm thinking about doing a quick get together on IRC, perhaps Wednesday the
13th in the morning for us folks (like 10 am EST, 8 mountain, 7 pacific),
just to get organized about where we're headed over the next few months.
 There are some big questions about where we go post 2.1 that I want to make
sure we're starting to think about, so that would be another section of the

I'm not against some other time than the one proposed above, but if you want
a different time please 1) make a proposal, and 2) volunteer to organize
getting the word out for that time ;)

--Mark Ramm

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