I am working on a new project that uses toscawidgets extensively, and
will likely use Rum aswell down the road. It's a framework/scaffold for
building custom CMS's, principally for TG2, but like rum/tosca, I intend
to make it so that a fairly simple set of adapters will allow it to be
used on other python web frameworks. I would like to make this available
to others as well when it's ready.

Sooo, I'm trying to figure out what the heck to do for version control,
wiki, docs, tickets. TG was svn+trac and is now using sphinx, which i
like. Do we know if TG2 is staying on svn? I think toscawidgets and rum
will be the closest and most foundational related projects, so it makes
sense to share as much of that as possible but I expect TG to be target
platform for quite some time.

mecurial? svn+trac? launchpad+bazaar? what the heck is the launchpad or
trac equivalent for mercurial anyway? ( trac? )


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