
I'm looking for some capabilities in Axis2 to support JSR181/JAXWS as follows:

1) Introspect a service implementation class and/or service endpoint interface (SEI) to handle JSR181/JAXWS annotations. Provide the default values if customization is not present.

2) A utility method to generate a WSDL4J Defintion following the rules defined by JAX-WS 2.0 Chapter 3 Java to WSDL 1.1 mapping rules.

I had a brief look of the axis2-metadata module. The closest method I can find is:

But it only accepts service implementation class and is not happy with SEI. I cannot construct the EndpointInterfaceDescription directly as all the XXXDescriptionImpl classes are not public.

Would it be possible to have some methods on org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.DescriptionFactory?

   // Create the endpoint interface description from the SEI
public static EndpointInterfaceDescription createEndpointInterfaceDescription(Class sei);

   // Generate WSDL defintion from the endpoint interface description
public static Defintion createWSDLDefinition(EndpointInterfaceDescription description);

   // Generate WSDL defintion from the service description
public static Defintion createWSDLDefinition(ServiceDescription description);

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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