I am trying to modify the set up in java/testing/tomcat to define a Datasource that the stand-alone DAS sample can then reference.

Currently, the stand-alone sample requires the user to use the tomcat manager to install the war like this:

Context Path (optional):      /CompanyApp

XML Configuration file URL:   work/CompanyAppGbl.xml

WAR or Directory URL:         work/CompanyWeb-SNAPSHOT.war

CompanyAppGbl.xml looks like this:
<Context path="/CompanyApp" debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">

           <Manager pathname=""/>
           <ResourceLink name="jdbc/dastest"
               type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

To mimic what i think the manager does with this info I modified the build.xml file to copy the sample war to the webapps directory and added a file named "companyWeb-SNAPSHOT.xml" to /conf/localhost with the following contents:

<Context path="webapps/companyWeb-SNAPSHOT" debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">

           <Manager pathname=""/>
           <ResourceLink name="jdbc/dastest"
               type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

The conf/server.xml has been modified to include and entry like this:

<!-- Global Datasource for Derby dastest database -->

        <Resource name="jdbc/dastest"

             type="javax.sql.DataSource"  auth="Container"

             description="Derby database for DAS Company sample"

             maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000"

username="" password=""


This does not seem to work since the application is unable to look up the Datasource.

Any ideas?



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