
Once I get the work I am doing on the slave side of federation out of way, I can port the groovy component type to 1.0 and also look at a JXTA binding based on the stuff we have been working on for discovery.


From: Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Spring extension release
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 18:38:05 -0800

I've just checked in an update to the Spring extension that supports the latest kernel. As there are only a few odds and ends to clean up before I think it supports most of the Spring SCA 1.0 spec, I would like to start preparing for a release of the extension. I think we can do this following on the kernel alpha release. One thing that would help is if the contribution subsystem can be in place by then. Could people working on that give a brief description where that stands? It's not a pre-req since the standalone runtime will accommodate the extension, but it would be a nice-to-have capability.

I think we should also consider releasing several other extensions (separately, but following on the alpha release) including potentially the JPA extension and the journal-based conversational store. What do people think?


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