On Mar 17, 2007, at 2:49 PM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:
Instead, I'm going to move the work context into the invocation message so that is available as part of the invocation chain and make it the responsibility of the invoker to tunnel that through the user component if necessary. That will also make it easier for the async processing as the context would automatically be associated with the work being enqueued.

This is now done. There is a pairing between the TargetInvoker and the InvocationHandlers to tunnel context through calls to user POJOs using a ThreadLocal. Messages between components now carry the WorkContext in the payload.

I have updated the edge invokers for standalone and itest runtimes to bind a SimpleWorkContext to the thread before calling launched and junit components, starting off the invocation chain.

I have not updated the web implementation yet as it is using JDKInvocationHandlers for the references it stores in the ServletContext and they require the WorkContext on the thread. This would mean exposing the tunnel to user code and I think that is a / bad idea./ Instead, I think we should change the handlers it uses so that the work context is created there when the user calls the reference and then passed down the chain.


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