Welcome. We are a few volunteers who like to help you when you have tried something and are stuck.

It is best to post to just one email list. Most of us monitor tutor and help.

We don't write programs for you. Some of us would be happy to do that for a consulting fee.

Why Python?

What other programming experience do you have?

Do you know the basics:
  getting a list of filenames in a directory?
  opening and reading / writing files?
  searching for strings in larger strings?
  replacing strings?

OMG I just wrote the outline of your program!

Try writing a program to do some of the above then come back with questions.

Start with something simple - process just one file.

Or hire me as a consultant and I will write it for you.


Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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