Re: [Tutor] Web Harvesting & AJAX/Javascript

2010-11-30 Thread Walter Prins
Hello Roy

On 29 November 2010 19:42, Roy Hinkelman  wrote:

> Researching this has led me to PAMIE and Selenium. PAMIE is giving me
> problems with permissions, and the discussion group appears to be fading
> away. I have not tried Selenium yet. Both open a browser instance, and PAMIE
> is quite slow, and I expect Selenium to be quite slow as well.
> How are you navigating around these Javascript based pages? Is there a
> library or plugin that I am missing?

I'm no expert in this area, however I have done some research in this
direction in the past, also to deal with sites that use Javascript
(obviously Python is very adept at interacting with sites that are plain
HTML by itself, e.g. there's lxml, BeautifulSoup & friends etc) and I remain
interested in this.

Anyway so then, here's my $0.02 for what it's worth.  Firstly, Selenium may
be an option, I briefly played with it quite some time ago, I don't know

However, I suspect what you might rather want to look at is perhaps
something like the PyWebkitGTK (or PyWebkitQT) which leverages the webkit
browser engine.  (This kind of assumes you're on Linux... are you?)

Some hopefully relevant links:

Best wishes,

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Re: [Tutor] Pyserial and invalid handle

2010-11-30 Thread John Smith

On 11/30/2010 7:27 PM, Adam Bark wrote:

On 01/12/10 01:00, John Smith wrote:

Hi, Walter -

I got pywin32-214.win32-py2.7.exe because I have the Intel i7 (I'm
guessing that the AMD versions are for the AMD processor). However,
all of the exe offerings have the same "Python not found in registry"
problem that started this whole thing.

So, since the only source module available is, I got
it and installed it. It does not work, maybe because I'm using Python
2.7 and the zip is for 3.2.

I really appreciate all the time you have put into my problems,
Walter. Thank you.


Actually, AMD 64 is now the standard x86-64. It was originally designed
by AMD because intel were making their Itanium thing but that didn't go
so well. Anyway if you're running 64 bit windows that's probably why the
32-bit python install is having a problem. Download the version Walter
suggested and you should be good to go.


I have gone no farther than to say knowing that nothing is 
attached to the port and expected a delay of 5 seconds. It now does 
that, so I have a clue that it is working.

I had no idea that the AMD thing was now standard. Thanks for that. I 
also found that the file Walter recommended did install from the exe 
while the non-AMD file did not due to the registry thing.

Wow! All I can say is thanks to everybody for the help. Now I need to 
start trying to get a modem to talk to me.

By the way, the whole purpose of doing this is to communicate with some 
test instruments via GPIB/HPIB to automate some testing that is time 
consuming. The last time I did this (using a BASIC program), it took 
about 45 minutes (not due to BASIC, but due to instrument response 
time). I was able to start the test, go to lunch, then analyze the data 
when I returned.

Thanks again for the help.

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Re: [Tutor] Pyserial and invalid handle

2010-11-30 Thread Adam Bark

On 01/12/10 01:00, John Smith wrote:

Hi, Walter -

I got pywin32-214.win32-py2.7.exe because I have the Intel i7 (I'm 
guessing that the AMD versions are for the AMD processor). However, 
all of the exe offerings have the same "Python not found in registry" 
problem that started this whole thing.

So, since the only source module available is, I got 
it and installed it. It does not work, maybe because I'm using Python 
2.7 and the zip is for 3.2.

I really appreciate all the time you have put into my problems, 
Walter. Thank you.


Actually, AMD 64 is now the standard x86-64. It was originally designed 
by AMD because intel were making their Itanium thing but that didn't go 
so well. Anyway if you're running 64 bit windows that's probably why the 
32-bit python install is having a problem. Download the version Walter 
suggested and you should be good to go.

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Re: [Tutor] Pyserial and invalid handle

2010-11-30 Thread John Smith

On 11/30/2010 6:23 PM, Walter Prins wrote:

Hello John,


Apparently so.  Well, win32file is part of the PyWin32 package, which
are a set of modules that wrap many Windows API's.   I'm not sure why it
was't/isn't required for PySerial 2.5 or whether as you say perhaps this
module is included in PySerial2.5 and isn't in 2.4.

But whatever the case may be, suffice it to say I've reproduced your
issue on my Win7 64bit box, and then resolved it by installing the
PyWin32 modules.   It's probably a good idea to install this package
anyway -- if you're working on Windows the PyWin32 modules are very
useful - they basically wrap and makes available a shedload of Windows
specific API's to Python. (Many people working with Python on Windows
almost automatically would install this, it's also why i didn't run into
this issue in the first place as I already had PyWin32 installed prior
to testing my suggestion. Sorry.)

Anyway.  To download and install PyWin32, go here:

Presumably you want the AMD64 (64 bit) Py2.7 version.   Install it then
try your test again.

Fingers crossed. ;)


Hi, Walter -

I got pywin32-214.win32-py2.7.exe because I have the Intel i7 (I'm 
guessing that the AMD versions are for the AMD processor). However, all 
of the exe offerings have the same "Python not found in registry" 
problem that started this whole thing.

So, since the only source module available is, I got it 
and installed it. It does not work, maybe because I'm using Python 2.7 
and the zip is for 3.2.

I really appreciate all the time you have put into my problems, Walter. 
Thank you.


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Re: [Tutor] Pyserial and invalid handle

2010-11-30 Thread Walter Prins
Hello John,

On 30 November 2010 16:57, John Smith  wrote:

> Hi, Walter -
> I did the above and then got this:
> >>> import serial
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "", line 1, in 
>import serial
>  File "E:\Python27\lib\site-packages\serial\", line 18, in
>from serialwin32 import *
>  File "E:\Python27\lib\site-packages\serial\", line 9, in
>import win32file  # The base COM port and file IO functions.
> ImportError: No module named win32file
> >>>
> I guess that file was included in 2.5 but not in 2.4?

Apparently so.  Well, win32file is part of the PyWin32 package, which are a
set of modules that wrap many Windows API's.   I'm not sure why it
was't/isn't required for PySerial 2.5 or whether as you say perhaps this
module is included in PySerial2.5 and isn't in 2.4.

But whatever the case may be, suffice it to say I've reproduced your issue
on my Win7 64bit box, and then resolved it by installing the PyWin32
modules.   It's probably a good idea to install this package anyway -- if
you're working on Windows the PyWin32 modules are very useful - they
basically wrap and makes available a shedload of Windows specific API's to
Python. (Many people working with Python on Windows almost automatically
would install this, it's also why i didn't run into this issue in the first
place as I already had PyWin32 installed prior to testing my suggestion.

Anyway.  To download and install PyWin32, go here:

Presumably you want the AMD64 (64 bit) Py2.7 version.   Install it then try
your test again.

Fingers crossed. ;)

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Re: [Tutor] How to handle exceptions raised inside a function?

2010-11-30 Thread Patty
This is very interesting to me - the below excerpt is something I was trying 
to do for one of my programs and gave up on it:

A fifth approach, common in some other languages, is to return some 
arbitrary value, and set an error flag. The caller then has to write code 
like this:

result = function(arguments)
if not last_result_error:
# no error occurred
print "result is", result

If you do this, I will *personally* track you down and beat you to death 
with a rather large fish.


I think I was trying to do something like thius at the end of a function I 

return 2  or return my_special_integer_mvar

and then do something or other depending on this value once it passes back 
to calling function or main().  I think I used similar code as you have 
above.  It didn't go well and also there seemed to be a problem related to 
where I was returning this value _to_ (where I actually placed this snippet 
of code like you wrote above) -  a function or module I wrote or main().

So, could you expand on this for me?  I would have to dig around to find the 
actual program I was working on.



- Original Message - 
From: "Steven D'Aprano" 

Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] How to handle exceptions raised inside a function?

Richard D. Moores wrote:

Please take a look at 2 functions I just wrote to calculate the
harmonic and geometric means of lists of positive numbers:

Both Hlist and Glist must contain only positive numbers, so I really
need to test for this inside each function. But is there a good way to
do this? What should the functions return should a non-positive number
be detected? Is there a conventional Pythonic way to do this?

There are two basic approaches to handling errors in Python:

(1) Don't do any error checking at all. If the input is bad, an exception 
will (hopefully!) be raised. Provided you know that bad input *will* lead 
to an exception, and not just plausible-looking but incorrect result, this 
is often the simplest way.

(2) If you don't trust that a sensible exception will be raised, then do 
your own error checking, and raise an exception.

For numeric work, another approach is to return a floating point NAN ("Not 
A Number"). Unfortunately Python doesn't give any standard way to specify 
*which* NAN is returned, but you can return float("nan") to return one of 

A fourth approach, rare in Python, is to return some sort of magic value 
to indicate an exceptional case. Just about the only example of this I can 
think of is string.find(), which returns -1 to indicate "not found".

A fifth approach, common in some other languages, is to return some 
arbitrary value, and set an error flag. The caller then has to write code 
like this:

result = function(arguments)
if not last_result_error:
# no error occurred
print "result is", result

If you do this, I will *personally* track you down and beat you to death 
with a rather large fish.


For what it's worth, I have a module of statistics functions (shameless 
plug: and -- feedback and bug reports welcome) 
that includes the harmonic and geometric mean. My harmonic mean looks like 

def harmonic_mean(data):
m = mean(1.0/x for x in data)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0.0
if m == 0.0:
return math.copysign(float('inf'), m)
return 1/m

Notice that if the data includes one or more zeroes, the harmonic mean 
itself will be zero: limit as x->0 of 1/x -> infinity, and 1/infinity -> 
0. If the sum of reciprocals itself cancels to zero, I return the infinity 
with the appropriate sign. The only exceptions that could occur are:

* mean will raise ValueError if the data is empty;
* if an argument is non-numeric, TypeError will occur when I take the 
reciprocal of it.

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Re: [Tutor] How to handle exceptions raised inside a function?

2010-11-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Richard D. Moores wrote:

Please take a look at 2 functions I just wrote to calculate the
harmonic and geometric means of lists of positive numbers:

Both Hlist and Glist must contain only positive numbers, so I really
need to test for this inside each function. But is there a good way to
do this? What should the functions return should a non-positive number
be detected? Is there a conventional Pythonic way to do this?

There are two basic approaches to handling errors in Python:

(1) Don't do any error checking at all. If the input is bad, an 
exception will (hopefully!) be raised. Provided you know that bad input 
*will* lead to an exception, and not just plausible-looking but 
incorrect result, this is often the simplest way.

(2) If you don't trust that a sensible exception will be raised, then do 
your own error checking, and raise an exception.

For numeric work, another approach is to return a floating point NAN 
("Not A Number"). Unfortunately Python doesn't give any standard way to 
specify *which* NAN is returned, but you can return float("nan") to 
return one of them.

A fourth approach, rare in Python, is to return some sort of magic value 
to indicate an exceptional case. Just about the only example of this I 
can think of is string.find(), which returns -1 to indicate "not found".

A fifth approach, common in some other languages, is to return some 
arbitrary value, and set an error flag. The caller then has to write 
code like this:

result = function(arguments)
if not last_result_error:
# no error occurred
print "result is", result

If you do this, I will *personally* track you down and beat you to death 
with a rather large fish.


For what it's worth, I have a module of statistics functions (shameless 
plug: and -- feedback and bug reports 
welcome) that includes the harmonic and geometric mean. My harmonic mean 
looks like this:

def harmonic_mean(data):
m = mean(1.0/x for x in data)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0.0
if m == 0.0:
return math.copysign(float('inf'), m)
return 1/m

Notice that if the data includes one or more zeroes, the harmonic mean 
itself will be zero: limit as x->0 of 1/x -> infinity, and 1/infinity -> 
0. If the sum of reciprocals itself cancels to zero, I return the 
infinity with the appropriate sign. The only exceptions that could occur 

* mean will raise ValueError if the data is empty;
* if an argument is non-numeric, TypeError will occur when I take the 
reciprocal of it.

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Re: [Tutor] How to handle exceptions raised inside a function?

2010-11-30 Thread Jerry Hill
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Richard D. Moores  wrote:
> Both Hlist and Glist must contain only positive numbers, so I really
> need to test for this inside each function. But is there a good way to
> do this? What should the functions return should a non-positive number
> be detected? Is there a conventional Pythonic way to do this?

If the value passed to the function is illegal, you should raise a
ValueError exception.  Something like this in your harmonic_mean
function, maybe:

if not all(x > 0 for x in Hlist):
raise ValueError("All items in Hlist must be positive numbers.")

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[Tutor] How to handle exceptions raised inside a function?

2010-11-30 Thread Richard D. Moores
Please take a look at 2 functions I just wrote to calculate the
harmonic and geometric means of lists of positive numbers:

Both Hlist and Glist must contain only positive numbers, so I really
need to test for this inside each function. But is there a good way to
do this? What should the functions return should a non-positive number
be detected? Is there a conventional Pythonic way to do this?


Dick Moores
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Re: [Tutor] Pyserial and invalid handle

2010-11-30 Thread John Smith

On 11/30/2010 10:37 AM, Walter Prins wrote:

Hello John


In any case, to fix it let's delete all instances of pySerial and then
install it again, as follows:

1.) Open up your Python "site-packages" folder in Windows Explorer, e.g.
open up:

2.) Delete any folder named "serial" that you may see.

3.) Delete any *file* name pyserial*.* that you may see, probably you'll
see "pyserial-2.4-py2.7.egg", there may also be an info file.

4.) Open up a Python shell and confirm that you can't import pyserial
anymore (e.g. "import serial" fails with e.g. "ImportError: No module
named serial".  If it still imports then you still have some vestiges of
the existing pyserial installation left over.

5.) After confirming the previous versions are gone, please try
reinstalling it again from scratch.  (E.g. extract source to some
suitable place and run "python install" from there, which
copies the required files into site-packages etc.)

6.) After installing, confirm "import serial" works again, then try your
test again.

Apologies again for adding to the confusion, and hopefully we're getting
closer. :-(


Hi, Walter -

I did the above and then got this:

>>> import serial

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
import serial
  File "E:\Python27\lib\site-packages\serial\", line 18, in 

from serialwin32 import *
  File "E:\Python27\lib\site-packages\serial\", line 9, 

import win32file  # The base COM port and file IO functions.
ImportError: No module named win32file

I guess that file was included in 2.5 but not in 2.4?

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Re: [Tutor] Pyserial and invalid handle

2010-11-30 Thread Walter Prins
Hello John

On 29 November 2010 21:44, John Smith  wrote:

> Hi, Walter -
> Thanks for all the research. This was my second attempt at installing the
> 2.4 version. I did it thus:
> E:\Python27\pyserial-2.4>..\python install
> standart distutils
> running install
> running build
> running build_py
> creating build
> creating build\lib
> creating build\lib\serial
> copying serial\ -> build\lib\serial
> copying serial\ -> build\lib\serial
> copying serial\ -> build\lib\serial
> copying serial\ -> build\lib\serial
> copying serial\ -> build\lib\serial
> copying serial\ -> build\lib\serial
> copying serial\ -> build\lib\serial
> running install_lib
> running install_egg_info
> Removing E:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pyserial-2.4-py2.7.egg-info
> Writing E:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pyserial-2.4-py2.7.egg-info
> E:\Python27\pyserial-2.4>
> But, when I tried it in Python, I got the same as before:
> >>> import serial
> >>> ser = serial.Serial(0, timeout = 1)
> >>> ser
> Serial(port='COM1', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8,
> parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=1, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False,
> dsrdtr=False)
> >>>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "", line 1, in 
>  File "E:\Python27\lib\site-packages\serial\", line 236, in
> read
>raise SerialException("ReadFile failed (%s)" % ctypes.WinError())
> SerialException: ReadFile failed ([Error 6] The handle is invalid.)
> >>>
I've checked and I think it was a mistake to suggest installing pyserial 2.4
on top of 2.5 without first removing 2.5 explicitly.  It appears that doing
so actually still retains the previous version of in use,
based on the fact that I've manually had a look at from both
pyserial2.4 and pyserial2.5 and that fact that line 236 in pyserial2.5 is
where the error is raised, and pySerial2.4 by contrast has "if err: #will be
ERROR_IO_PENDING:" on line 236.  Consequently this implies that you're still
using pyserial2.5 above.   (Aside: I originally tested my suggestion for
installing pyserial2.4 and tested it by importing the module (e.g. "import
serial") and then did a "help(serial)" which gave me the impression of it
having done the right thing and using pyserial2.4, but apparently that's not
definitve, or I made a mistake somewhere along the line and got the wrong
end of the stick.)

So. My apologies, but I think that suggestion has added to the confusion.

In any case, to fix it let's delete all instances of pySerial and then
install it again, as follows:

1.) Open up your Python "site-packages" folder in Windows Explorer, e.g.
open up:

2.) Delete any folder named "serial" that you may see.

3.) Delete any *file* name pyserial*.* that you may see, probably you'll see
"pyserial-2.4-py2.7.egg", there may also be an info file.

4.) Open up a Python shell and confirm that you can't import pyserial
anymore (e.g. "import serial" fails with e.g. "ImportError: No module named
serial".  If it still imports then you still have some vestiges of the
existing pyserial installation left over.

5.) After confirming the previous versions are gone, please try reinstalling
it again from scratch.  (E.g. extract source to some suitable place and run
"python install" from there, which copies the required files into
site-packages etc.)

6.) After installing, confirm "import serial" works again, then try your
test again.

Apologies again for adding to the confusion, and hopefully we're getting
closer. :-(

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Re: [Tutor] A regular expression problem

2010-11-30 Thread Josep M. Fontana
On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 6:14 PM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> Have you considered just using the isalnum() method?
> False

Mmm. No, I didn't consider it because I didn't even know such a method
existed. This can turn out to be very handy but I don't think it would
help me at this stage because the texts I'm working with contain also
a lot of non alpha-numeric characters that occur in isolation. So I
would get a lot of noise.

> The first thing to do is to isolate the cause of the problem. In your code
> below, you do four different things. In no particular order:
> 1 open and read an input file;
> 2 open and write an output file;
> 3 create a mysterious "RegexpTokenizer" object, whatever that is;
> 4 tokenize the input.
> We can't run your code because:
> 1 we don't have access to your input file;
> 2 most of us don't have the NLTK package;
> 3 we don't know what RegexTokenizer does;
> 4 we don't know what tokenizing does.

As I said in my answer to Evert, I assumed the problem I was having
had to do exclusively with the regular expression pattern I was using.
The code for RegexTokenizer seems to be pretty simple
and all it does is:

Tokenizers that divide strings into substrings using regular
expressions that can match either tokens or separators between tokens.

> you should write:
> r'[^a-zA-Z\s0-9]+\w+\S'

Now you can understand why I didn't use r' ' The methods in the module
already use this internally and I just need to insert the regular
expression as the argument.

> Your regex says to match:
> - one or more characters that aren't letters a...z (in either
>  case), space or any digit (note that this is *not* the same as
>  characters that aren't alphanum);
> - followed by one or more alphanum character;
> - followed by exactly one character that is not whitespace.
> I'm guessing the "not whitespace" is troublesome -- it will match characters
> like ¿ because it isn't whitespace.

This was my first attempt to match strings like:

'&patre--' or '&patre'

The "not whitespace" was intended to match the occurrence of
non-alphanumeric characters appearing after "regular" characters. I
realize I should have added '*' after '\S' since I also want to match
words that do not have a non alpha-numeric symbol at the end (i.e
'&patre' as opposed to '&patre--'

> I'd try this:
> # untested
> \b.*?\W.*?\b
> which should match any word with a non-alphanumeric character in it:
> - \b ... \b matches the start and end of the word;
> - .*? matches zero or more characters (as few as possible);
> - \W matches a single non-alphanumeric character.
> So putting it all together, that should match a word with at least one
> non-alphanumeric character in it.

But since '.' matches any character except for a newline, this would
also yield strings where all the characters are non-alphanumeric. I
should have said this in my initial message but the texts I'm working
with contain lots of these strings with sequences of non-alphanumeric
characters (i.e. '&%+' or '&//'). I'm trying to match only strings
that are a mixture of both non-alphanumeric characters and [a-zA-Z].

> [...]
>> If you notice, there are some words that have an accented character
>> that get treated in a strange way: all the characters that don't have
>> a tilde get deleted and the accented character behaves as if it were a
>> non alpha-numeric symbol.
> Your regex matches if the first character isn't a space, a digit, or a
> a-zA-Z. Accented characters aren't a-z or A-Z, and therefore will match.

I guess this is because the character encoding was not specified but
accented characters in the languages I'm dealing with should be
treated as a-z or A-Z, shouldn't they? I mean, how do you deal with
languages that are not English with regular expressions? I would
assume that as long as you set the right encoding, Python will be able
to determine which subset of specific sequences of bytes count as a-z
or A-Z.

Josep M.
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Re: [Tutor] A regular expression problem

2010-11-30 Thread Josep M. Fontana
Sorry, something went wrong and my message got sent before I could
finish it. I'll try again.

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Josep M. Fontana
> On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 6:03 PM, Evert Rol  wrote:
>> -
>> with open('output_tokens.txt', 'a') as out_tokens:
>>with open('text.txt', 'r') as in_tokens:
>>t = RegexpTokenizer('[^a-zA-Z\s0-9]+\w+\S')
>>output = t.tokenize(
>>for item in output:
>>out_tokens.write(" %s" % (item))
> I don't know for sure, but I would hazard a guess that you didn't specify 
> unicode for the regular expression: character classes like \w and \s are 
> dependent on your LOCALE settings.
> A flag like re.UNICODE could help, but I don't know if Regexptokenizer 
> accepts that.

 OK, this must be the problem. The text is in ISO-8859-1 not in
Unicode. I tried to fix the problem by doing the following:

import codecs
 with'output_tokens.txt', 'a',  encoding='iso-8859-1') as
with'text.txt', 'r',  encoding='iso-8859-1') as in_tokens:
t = RegexpTokenizer('[^a-zA-Z\s0-9]+\w+\S')
output = t.tokenize(
for item in output:
 out_tokens.write(" %s" % (item))


Specifying that the encoding is 'iso-8859-1' didn't do anything,
though. The output I get is still the same.

>> It would also appear that you could get a long way with the builtin re.split 
>> function, and supply the flag inside that function; no need then or 
>> Regexptokenizer. Your tokenizer just appears to split on the tokens you 
>> specify.

Yes. This is in fact what Regexptokenizer seems to do. Here's what the
little description of the class says:

A tokenizer that splits a string into substrings using a regular
expression.  The regular expression can be specified to match
either tokens or separators between tokens.

Unlike C{re.findall()} and C{re.split()}, C{RegexpTokenizer} does
not treat regular expressions that contain grouping parenthases


Since I'm using the NLTK package and this module seemed to do what I
needed, I thought I might as well use it. I thought (and I still do)
the problem I was didn't have to do with the correct use of this
module but in the way I constructed the regular expression. I wouldn't
have asked the question here if I thought that the problem had to do
with this module.

If I understand correctly how the re.split works, though, I don't
think I would obtain the results I want, though.

re.split would allow me to get a list of the strings that occur around
the pattern I specify as the first argument in the function, right?
But what I want is to match all the words that contain some non
alpha-numeric character in them and exclude the rest of the words.
Since these words are surrounded by spaces or by line returns or a
combination thereof, just as the other "normal" words, I can't think
of any pattern that I can use in re.split() that would discriminate
between the two types of strings. So I don't know how I would do what
I want with re.split.

Josep M.
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Re: [Tutor] Package loading

2010-11-30 Thread Karim

On 11/30/2010 12:58 AM, Karim wrote:

On 11/29/2010 09:15 PM, Karim wrote:

Hello every one,

I created a package with the following structure:

* ops/
  o tcl/

> *python -c "import sys; print sys.path; import ops.tcl.pythontcl"*

'*/home/karim/build/UML2PDK/lib/python*', '/usr/lib/python2.6', 
'/usr/lib/python2.6/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk', 
'/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload', 
RuntimeWarning: Parent module 'pythontcl' not found while handling 
absolute import

  import unittest
RuntimeWarning: Parent module 'pythontcl' not found while handling 
absolute import

  import sys*

At the lines I import standard modules sys and unittest I get these 
non-sense warning (my consideration) though I added the top package 
root, namely, */home/karim/build/UML2PDK/lib/python. The 
programesecute correctly but I alaways get this nerving warning.

*Any idea will be welcome!* :-)


I believed I know why:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "/home/karim/build/UML2PDK/lib/python/ops/tcl/", 
line 119, in 

print sys.modules[__package__]
KeyError: 'pythontcl'

It is due to method determine parent in class ModuleImporter.
I don't know why sys.modules has the key 'ops.tcl.pythontcl'
and this class search for the key module 'pythontcl'.

Big mess between relative path or whatever.

Any idea to fix that?


Ok fixed.
I must not set the special variable __name__. I set it for pydoc docstrings.
Now the __name__ is automatically set to 'ops.tcl.pythontcl' and 
__package__ is set correctly to 'ops.tcl'.

Kind Regards
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Re: [Tutor] REport Card Question

2010-11-30 Thread Alan Gauld

"Robert Sjöblom"  wrote

On a related note, do all functions implicitly contain "return None"
in them?

All functions return a value because thats the definition of what
a function does. (Some languages have a construct known as
a procedure which is a function with no return value, but Python
does not support procedures.)

Trying out this function (correctly) would get "None" added,
such as:
Enter grade:76
B, Try Harder

That depends on how you use the function. Functions should
ideally have a single clearly defined purpose. In this case the
purpose is to determine the grade based on a score.
The caller of the function is then responsible for deciding
what to do with the resulting grade - including ignoring (or
"correcting") a None result.

Is there a way to avoid "return None" without explicitly
having the function return something?

Nope, because that's how functions work.

Even an empty string will return a new line.

What the function returns doesn't have to be what the program
displays. Separating the application logic from presentation is
an important design principle in any program. In this case the
code should "return" the value to the caller rather than directly
printing it. Then the code that calls the function can decide
what to do with the result - to print or not to print... As a 

benefit this also makes the function more reusable, since we
may not always want to print the result but rather store it
in a database or display it in a GUI.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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