On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 03:25, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 11:51:34PM -0500, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> > These new-fangled thread thingies don't work so well.
> Heh.  D'oh!
> > I think I have the code rock-solid now, or nearly so. :-)
> > It ought to work on MacOS X too. As for windows...
> Nearly so...  It starts loading the fonts when I hit the 'Text' tool,

Sort of. It transfers font data from a child process to
the main Tux Paint app, and then the child process exits.
The data goes over a socket.

> but eventually segfaults.  I'm having difficulty getting the recent builds
> to load all of my fonts.  It WAS working, and since then, I didn't install
> or remove any fonts, so I think there might be a bad 'free()' that cropped
> up again. ;)
> I can gdb if you want... just give me the compile options & incantation!

Add -ggdb to the gcc command line. You might get somewhat more
readable results if you reduce optimization, using -O1 for example.

Then run like this:

gdb ./tuxpaint
set args --640x480 --nostamps --nosound

To print a variable named "fi" of type "familyinfo" you do:

print {familyinfo}fi

When it crashes, you should get a line number. Start again, this
time adding "break 12345" or somesuch before running Tux Paint.
(replace "12345" with a line number that's before the crash)
You can have more than one breakpoint active, using the "continue"
command to advance from one to the next. Use "next" to run the
next instruction, perhaps following into a procedure. Use "step"
to to likewise but not going down into procedure bodies.

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